Sequoia Update 220209

Sequoia Update 220209

Proposed agenda from Jessica

  • Short intros (as needed)

  • Any strategic context developments (Digital Green)

  • Project updates & discussion (Digital Green)

  • Sequoia update (Sequoia)

  • Reporting Overview/Next Steps

  • Other

Slides & talking points

  • Strategic Context @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed)

    • see below

  • Operational updates @Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)

    • Initial GHG emissions from 280 farmers; from CFT and Regrow by March at which point we start the inter-comparison; Daycent moving slowly. @Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)

    • (Link: https://digitalgreen.box.com/s/vlnvyblg4fci7r3kxbzabw3qjg0b7s2n)

    • Other complementary opportunities (@Gelsey Bennett (Unlicensed))

    • Expected timing to complete sub-agreements

  • Budget slide @Gelsey Bennett (Unlicensed) (Ashu to review); ask is for Sequoia to give in-principle for budget re-alignment to balance needs of other funders

    • All GHG modeling and technical expert subs to Sequoia and Tech work to GIZ and Cisco

Open questions

  • Re: strategic context, anything we should highlight re: agriculture and state level climate action plans or dialogue around agriculture and emissions at a national level @Richie Ahuja (Unlicensed)

  • What is the status of DG’s FCRA renewal? @Krishnan Pallassana (Unlicensed)

  • Status of post-doc hire to support model inter-comparison (if you can share CV and expected start date, that would be awesome). @Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed)

Talking Points: Learnings and impact on approach

  • To drive adoption of CSA among farmers, critical to communicate how “win-win” practices deliver productivity and adaptation/resilience benefits for farmers bc GHG emission not a focus

    • Farmer scorecard as a hook to engage farmers on link between practices and yield by comparing performance vs nearby peers

    • Awareness of CSA is critical and often exists but is not sufficient where access barriers exist. In this project, we can document and amplify access gaps for most impactful practices in order to send a demand signal that can mobilize supply/service providers (eg, Zero Tillage case study)

  • Continuing to build awareness and buy-in within JEEViKA on climate focus and starting to forge intersections with others in the ecosystem

    • Invited to train VRPs and JEEViKA staff on GHG emissions from agriculture. This is a great opportunity but important to flag that enhancing farmer productivity / income and VRP productivity are the primary levers to keep JEEViKA engaged

    • Convergence platform brings together research and implementing agencies; meeting in March 2022 to align on kharif practices

    • Implementing agencies in the domain of GHG emission and CSA are not collaborated on single platform. Currently mapping the ecosystem and having introductory conversation to develop an approach and on-board critical partners. More concrete plan to come in March@Akash Asthana (Unlicensed)

      • EDF, Harvest Plus, BISA (Borlaug), DeHaat, Dept of Agri (Akash and Shams met w Deputy Directors in Dec; they are developing an action plan based on baseline survey to be ready in March at which point we will reconnect, works closely with BISA)

  • Interest in carbon offsets remains high but pathway for smallholders to participate still long / uncertain; our work on model calibration and understanding the standards (incl how they could be adapted to work for smallholders) will be beneficial

    • Crypto is a driver: Toucan protocol to tokenize registered offsets into BTC (bridged ~18mn tons at ~$5 per ton til date) and KlimaDAO and its ilk which are currencies backed by offsets are driving demand; not sure about its durability. Exploratory discussion with these groups to learn more.

    • SOC is a major focus for registries (VM 042) and expect methodology changes in coming months.

    • Lots of funding going towards MRV including Sylvera, SustainCERT, etc.)

  • Accurate / credible GHG estimates will require recording (and verification) of key agronomic practices. The incentive to do this solely to monetize carbon offsets is too abstract / small and doing so at an individual farmer level doesn’t make sense in the Indian context

    • Farmer groups / FPOs remain a focus for government given their potential (increased bargaining power for input and output) but are still fledgling. FPOs that build upon SHGs rails is a theme among SRLM partners (eg, JEEViKA) as well. DG exploring how we can empower such groups to digitize information about their members and leverage it to deliver tangible benefits to members (better access to markets, finance and then also potentially offsets)

    • Many digitization and data collection efforts are top down/extractive which limits their reach / sustainability and siloed which limits their utility. As part of its overall org level strategy, DG is exploring incentives and capacity building for farmers groups to take on this digitization work themselves. Some potential entry points that align with this work: financing for durable assets esp mechanization that enables CSA (see above on access issues) access to climate adaptation / resilience grant funding

Meeting notes & other key points from the call:

  • Participants: Seema & Jessica (Sequoia); Ashu, Falguni, Akash, Alesha, Rikin, Gelsey (DG)

  • CSA taxonomy: Seema was very interested in knowing more about the taxonomy (that we use; that others are using) regarding climate smart agriculture. We said that we are using FAO definition. We discussed various terms, like natural farming and regenerative agriculture. Alesha explained that natural farming may mean low input use, which may go agains research that is promoting improved seeds. Rikin shared two docs: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/3/1689/htm# and The lack of sustainable farming prospects in India. Later on, Seema asked the terminology used with farmers & their understanding of the terms.

  • Model estimation process: Seema was interested in knowing more about this. Ashu explained that we have contracted two GHG estimate models licenses and we’ve sent them the data sets; we expect the GHG estimates to be ready in March. The Cornell postdoc will be hired soon to do inter-comparison. Note: We will need to provide an update of the inter-comparison in the March report (due on/around March 17, meeting scheduled on April 1).

  • Acceptance of WhatsApp: Falguni motioned that due to Covid, dissemination in-person is challenging and we’re using WhatsApp to share videos/text messages/advisories. We responded that there is acceptance of the use of WhatsApp, but the challenge is smartphone penetration.

  • Training to FLWs: Seema asked if we were training FLWs on CSA practices. We are not training on practices, but rather on how to use forms to collect data + checks & balances. JEEViKA is providing training on practices.

  • Incentives for FLWs to learn about training: Related to the point above, Seema asked what were the incentives for data collection. We mentioned we’re providing small payments for the data collection.

  • Oversight on our own methodology: Seema asked how we are like when incentives can be removed, and how we check that our own approach/methodology is working. We answered that we’re planning a shift to automation of validation. [This could be a point that comes up again.]

  • Sequoia Theory of Change priorities:

  1. Energy use in ag (fossil fuel footprint; interlinkages land-energy)

  2. Methane

  3. Paradigm shift promoting "regenerative ag" and "natural climate solutions" 

  • Next steps:

    • Schedule/cadence for calls; next call will be in April (and will include briefing memo)

    • Connect with Jessica on budget realignment.

    • April call: Provide an update on the co-funding. Methane update from Richie/EDF. 



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