Rabi 2021/2022

Rabi 2021/2022


  • This shortlist was arrived at through consultation with CSISA / CIMMYT, Convergence Platform and JEEViKA.

  • The target districts for this season are Gaya, Nawada, and Jamui which are drought prone so water management is a big focus for JEEViKA.

  • VRP training for video based advisories has started as of Nov 30 and aim to finish by mid December. One we select blocks, confirm that Pico projectors are available/working and VRPs have smartphones

  • Whatsapp group created at a block level as another channel for content dissemination (20-25 VRPs per block)

  • Under consideration: Fortnightly risk assessment / weather forecast shared with VRPs (generated by Credible)

Practice (Source)

Farmer Benefit (Climate Benefit)

Status of advisory content

Data we plan to collect

Barriers to Adoption

Practice (Source)

Farmer Benefit (Climate Benefit)

Status of advisory content

Data we plan to collect

Barriers to Adoption

Drought resistant seed variety HD 2967 rather than UP 267 and PB343 (JEEViKA)

Crop is more resilient to drought

Not prepared, approach TBD

  • What seeds are farmers using today?

  • Current price and performance/yield

  • Seed availability and price

Cost: Estimate that promoted seed variety is ~4k more per acre

Optimize application of Nitrogen fertilizer (CIMMYT / CP)

Cost savings on fertilizer without compromising yield

(Reduction in GHG emissions; 30kg reduction per hectare = __tons of CO2e)

DG to setup workflow where VRPs collect sowing date, irrigation method and expected yield; DG shares kg of N to apply per hectare with VRPs based on CIMMYT model

Video link 1 and 2

  • Type of fertilizer (photo of bag)

  • # of applications

  • Weight applied

  • Estimated crop yield

  • Actual crop yield

Perceived risk of lower yield

Zero tillage: Leave rice residue in the field during wheat sowing (CIMMYT / CP and JEEViKA

Increased yield and improved soil health

(Reduction in GHG emissions, amount to be quantified)

12 min video prepared by CSISA; share through VBE

Additional video 1 and 2

Residue mgmt

Cost and availability of ZT machine / Happy Seeder

Cost and availability of equipment

Perceptions about impact on yield

Water management (JEEViKA keen to promote drip irrigation)

Increase resilience (Reduced water usage)

Video link

Planned and actual irrigation methods and timing of irrigation events

Cost and availability of drip irrigation

Early Sowing

Upto 30% increase in yield

Not prepared, approach TBD

  • Sowing date

  • Expected yield

  • Actual yield

Perceived risk of lower yield

Climate Sensitivity Training. What is CSA and why is it important?

Awareness on climate smart/sustainable agriculture

First draft of technical contents created

  • Why CSA practices

  • Disadvantages of existing practices

  • CSA practices that can be adopted/win-win practices

  • Availability of Farm mechanization equipment

  • Lack of technical knowledge

Why do soil testing?

  • Optimization of input cost

  • Increase in yield

  • Improving soil health

  • Reducing emission???

Not prepared

  • How soil testing benefits in increase in yield and optimize input cost?

  • How to interpret data?

  • Local agencies/labs for soil testing (private, KVK, etc)

  • Cost

  • Availability of soil testing lab(s)

  • Awareness

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