Challenges in Zero tillage farming
Farmer believes in zero tillage – As per discussion with farmers and LHS, I found that farmers are aware of zero tillage, but few are still apprehensive, they think the yield can go down in comparison to conventional farming.
Machine availability and maintenance – When it comes to zero tillage machines still there is a scarcity which is quite less the demand, the second issue is the maintenance of ZT machine some even machine is available but farmers are unable to use them because the machine is not maintained like calibration, excess of moisture in pipes of the machine, Few ZT machine is kept at CHC and unused from last 2-3 years because CLF doesn’t have a business plan for that.
Driver availability – It was observed during one ZT sowing that the driver should be trained to operate the ZT machine like how much the speed of the tractor should be, how to connect the ZT machine with the tractor, how deep they should push the seed nozzle into the soil etc. In many cases due to not timely payment drivers left which suffer the sowing time. Even during the establishment of CHC, there is a 6-month fund is for the payment of drivers but lack of proper knowledge CLF didn’t utilize it.
Lack of skilled/ technical people during sowing – ZT sowing needs skilled people who have proper knowledge of the machine, moisture, amount of seed and fertilizer according to the soil. Because not using seed according to the moisture result seed will not germinate properly. So during ZT sowing, it required at least need a trained driver and one person who has good knowledge of ZT farming
Lack of demand – Lack of improper knowledge & information to farmers about ZT farming and some above mention reasons demand don’t come on the time of micro-planning done by Jeevika for Ravi season.