March 22/23 meetings in Patna

Want to take advantage of various team members being in Patna so proposing a couple working sessions:

  • Internal working session and dinner on March 22

  • Connect with JEEViKA morning of March 23 and finalize planning

  • Still finalizing venue as of March 15, will finalize by March 16


  • DG: @Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed) @Akash Asthana (Unlicensed) @ashok @Amitesh Anand (Unlicensed) @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @SHAMS TARIQUE (Unlicensed)

  • Cornell / CSISA: @Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed) @Sonam sherpz (Unlicensed)

  • EDF: @Kritee (Unlicensed), Ajeet, Amresh


March 22 venue: Patliputra Continental Hotel

Time and Topic

Topic and Objective

Reference Materials


Time and Topic

Topic and Objective

Reference Materials


4pm to 445pm: Content calendar

  • Align on what are the practices that will be promoted by JEEViKA through VBE

  • Which practices are most impactful in terms: increasing yield; enhancing resilience; reducing yield scale emissions

  • CIP project on PZTM

  • Harmonize w Convergence Platform and point person at CSISA

  • @Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed) and @Sonam sherpz (Unlicensed) we understand CIMMYT is doing some work better targeting practices. Can we learn more about figure out if we are testing anything related to this over next months

  • Share DG video production process and potential alternative channels

___Dissemination calender.xlsx - Google Sheets

@Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)

445 to 515pm:

[Emerging] Sequoia Strategy

“First pass at calling out opportunities for delivering climate relevant change in the agriculture and land use sector. “ (As of March 6)

  • Aquaculture and livestock are an emerging sector

  • Land restoration - biostimulants, soil health (look at input providers)

  • Natural services systems: creating awareness and literacy, extension, improved production practices

  • Farm practice shift - operational changes

  • Diversification (focus for WRI FLUC)


@Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed)

515 to 530




530 to 7pm

6 month plan.

Review actual progress vs March targets

Align on activities and roles/ responsibilities by workstream (similar to exercise we did in December)

Set times for our next few checkins (ideally monthly)

FRAME Action Plan.xlsx - Google Sheets

Dec 21 to Mar 22 plan

@Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)




@Akash Asthana (Unlicensed)


March 23 venue: Lemon Tree

  • Attendees

    • JEEViKA: Manoj joined at 1130am

    • CSISA:

    • @Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed) can you please all the attendees here?

    • DG: @Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed) @Akash Asthana (Unlicensed) @ashok @Amitesh Anand (Unlicensed) @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @SHAMS TARIQUE (Unlicensed)


Topic and Objective

Reference Materials



Topic and Objective

Reference Materials


1030 to 1130

Meeting prep and CSISA intros


@Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed)

1130 to 1230pm

Key practices, farmer benefit, high impact geographies


@Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed)

1230 to 130pm

GHG emission approach


@Kritee (Unlicensed)

130 onwards

Lunch and wrap for the day




Context on JEEViKA meeting

  • We are interfacing with the Livelihoods team whose focus in farmer productivity and income. The objective of the livelihood initiative is to enhance sectoral size and productivity growth in key livelihood sectors for employment generation of the poor. This will be achieved by making investments in technical assistance, service provision and setting up of market support mechanisms

    • Manoj - State Program Manager (Head of the Livelihood vertical and key person for strategy and implementation of the livelihood interventions)

    • Anil - Program Manager (Second in command at the Livelihood vertical and leads the implementation of the livelihood interventions in the state in coordination with the district level teams)

  • While JEEViKA has given us the greenlight to engage VRPs for data collection, Manoj (who is a key decision maker) is not super bought in to this project

    • Note, we can go higher up the CEO of JEEViKA who is a supporter but are trying to get Manoj and Anil bought in

  • They feel the project is too research oriented and the farmer benefit is not obvious

    • On the research front, they are curious what we are doing re: GHG emissions

  • They further feel that JEEViKA is already promoting many of these practices and its not clear what is additive about this project

  • Proposed agenda / talking points for session with JEEViKA

    • Our focus on this project is yield scale emissions; the practices we are promoting (early sowing, optimize nitrogen application, ZT, DSR, etc) do increase productivity (and resilience) and income

    • We are taking steps to drive up adoption of these high impact practices

      • Do we have a sense for current adoption rate for these practices? Our anecdotal sense is that there is a still a lot of room for growth

      • More targeted advisories; expect that things which are more contextually relevant have a higher likelihood of adoption. @Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed) and @Sonam sherpz (Unlicensed), you mentioned some research in this area; this meeting would be a great opportunity to introduce this

      • Introduce practices that are not already covered by JEEViKA (eg, Potato ZT, micronutrients)

      • Better engage farmers and VRPs through tools like the scorecard which contextualizes farmer performance vs. peers

      • Looking ahead, farmers that are following more sustainable practices and can make verified claims along these lines can realize better market access and maybe even unlock new revenue sources through carbon markets. This is still pretty speculative but the work we are doing supports development of such markets

    • Provide a high level summary of the standards and model inter comparison

      • This will give JEEViKA a sense for what are we doing with the data that is being collected


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