6/4/2022 DG-JEEViKA virtual meeting

6/4/2022 DG-JEEViKA virtual meeting

Virtual meeting on findings from paddy data

Date: 06/04/2022


JEEViKA: Mr. Anil Kumar, PM – Productivity Enhancement

Digital Green: Falguni, Ashok, Amitesh, Akash, Shams



Ashok did a presentation on analysis and findings from the paddy data of 250 farmers of Gaya, collected during last kharif season.

Following points came up during the discussion post-presentation

  • Presentation should include recommendations against the findings.

  • Need to have more clarity on GHG emission estimation vis-à-vis benefits at farmer level.

  • How to ensure Data privacy in case if we are using platforms like CFT?

  • Anil Ji and few from JEEViKA will join Training on Apr 12th on N optimization and Nursery raising, by Prof J.K. Ladha

  • Organize training to JEEViKA staff on how to use CFT tool

  • Brainstorm session with JEEViKA to finalize activities.