Jan 13 DG team meeting

Jan 13 DG team meeting


@Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed) @ashok (Unlicensed) @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @Erica Arya (Unlicensed) @Lokesh Garg (Unlicensed) @Akash Asthana (Unlicensed)

Key Takeaways:

  1. v1 Farmer Scorecard will be ready by Jan 14; Lokesh and Stuti will create report for 5 farmers and share links over Whatsapp; @Amitesh Anand (Unlicensed) will get feedback from farmers and we will review on Jan 17/18 .

  2. Call with @Sonam sherpz (Unlicensed) on Jan 18 to share update on N fertilizer recommendation shared over Whatsapp and align on next steps

  3. Falguni to share proposed content calendar with technical experts to make sure we have captured the impactful CSA advisories and the correct time (~2 week window) when they need to be shared. Right now we have a good handle on list of CSA practices for rabi but need for kharif and especially the periods just before/after seasons. Once we are set, need to align with JEEViKA to ensure VRPs, video content and Pico projectors are available during these key windows.

  4. As a reminder, our ambition is for CSA practices to reach ~122k farmers during kharif 2022 with 22% or 27k adopting at least one practice. We want ~126 farmers gathering MRV data on ~5k farmers during kharif 2022. Two points related to this:

    1. Its not currently clear how JEEViKA measures reach and adoption of video based dissemination. Need to understand this better so we can report on our progress. We will have good visibility to the MRV component of the project.

    2. In order to achieve these numbers, how many districts should we be operating in? Which districts to propose to JEEViKA? Consider aligning with CIP potato project

    3. Falguni to work with Ashok and Akash on a proposal that addresses the points above

  5. Falguni and Akash to attend Jan 18 CSA in Odisha session hosted by CSRBox / ILC and share intel

Other things to discuss in future meetings

  • Status of new video production

  • Finalize slides for JEEViKA update meeting

  • Value chain case studies

  • Credible risk assessment report

  • Collaborate with PRAN


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