Nov 24 Brainstorm Meeting Notes

Nov 24 Brainstorm Meeting Notes

Ashu and Sonam connected on Nov 23 evening US time, Nov 24 in India.

Notes and next steps from the call.

Next Steps

  • DG team to share survey forms for rabi that will allow us to test N optimization advisories during upcoming rabi season. Target date Tue, Nov 30. Want to align on what questions (and how) to ask in order to generate accurate recommendations and how to communicate benefits (eg, what are problems w under/over application)

  • Sonam to introduce DG team to LDS team in Bihar to explore potential of featuring LDS farmers in advisory content on key CSA practices.

  • Sonam to share calculations detailing tons of CO2e mitigated by reducing over application of fertilizer by 30kg per hectare.


  • Doing a full GHG accounting is super challenging; more valuable to focus on those activities which we can actually influence. For example, zero tillage has a major impact but depends on rain timing and access to a happy seeder. In that vein, optimizing application of N fertilizer is a good focus area

  • CIMMYT has developed an ML model that customizes nitrogen fertilizer recommendations (kg of N applied per hectare) based on planting date and expected irrigation frequency (which drives estimated yield).

  • This model has been tested trials will be done in ~11 districts in Bihar this coming rabi season. CIMMYT keen to understand adoption dynamics when these advisories are shared. See survey form for N field trial for reference.

  • ~12k farmers across Bihar participate in LDS survey (~220 per district) which has a lot of data on agronomic practices. CIMMYT has good rapport with these farmers and could potential to engage them in advisory content development. See LDS survey questions for reference.

  • Sonam focuses on GHG accounting, esp in maize systems. Currently in Ithaca, moving to Patna in January

  • Spectroscopy is promising approach for measuring a bunch of soil properties; once models are properly calibrated, can get get 20 properties (chemical fingerprint of soil) from a single scan. Aware of SoilSpec4GG initiative and plans to link up for data sharing.


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