April 20 TCI event debrief

April 20 TCI event debrief

Attended by about 25-28 people (TCI, Shakti, CEEW, TERI, Rainmatter Foundation, ADRI, Swaniti, UNEP, Bihar Govt. Ag Dat). Started with introduction from Shakti, Rainmatter and TCI, followed by 

A) On 19th April, there was a technical working group meeting with about 10-12 people, focusing on agriculture and livestock sector.

B) Introduction to Natural Farming, by Vijay Kumar RySS, invited by Shakti Foundation. Moral of the story: NF is solution to all problems

C) Excellent short talk by Prabhu/TCI. Gave a brief on their Zero Hunger Zero Carbon initiative. Looking at hunger not through calorific measures but through access to nutrition/micronutrients. Focus on diversification of food basket and food production to include more of veg/fruits/pulses than staple rice/wheat. Focus on climate smart agriculture, adoption of new and smarter technologies. Focus on value chain, including demand generation for improved nutrition in food produced. Bihar as the geography.

D) First session focused on adaptation/mitigation, climate focused. Most of it centered around what will work best in terms of climate smart agriculture. Three things stood out as long term solutions (a) Crop Diversity (b) Zero or minimal tillage and (c) Mulching/residue management. Throughout this, conversation is the key.

CSA in wheat is much more straight forward. For rice, it is complex and varied and farmers find it hard to switch because of increasing uncertainties. For example, if there is a delay in monsoon onset, farmers find it difficult to chose as different paddy varieties have different durations.

Economics of production also differs. Crop diversification is not as straight forward as we think. If farmers are not finding or getting value during intermittent crops or face loss, they will relapse into earlier practices. MSP for rice/wheat and certain commodities help the farmers to have clearer estimation of their income. In NF or organic farming, MSP remains the same.

There is a need to standardize CSA and have a knowledge depository that can cater to diverse needs.

One big area that needs more understanding is livestock management and livestock sector. There was some discussion around Agri residue as fodder. All residues are not fodder. Silica content in residue is not suitable for fodder. Animal nutrition is also skewed in India. There is better understanding needed.

Crop diversification is key. If Punjab decides to diversify crop in 1/3 of its current crop, it will have a huge impact on food security, food diversity and climate mitigation. 

E) Next session was around policy on CSA.

It was felt that India has much policy and program written down, whereas the problem is to do with implementation. There is a need for convergence across many departments. For example, there are often conflicting messages/actions that happen between say Agri dept and NREGA or say extension services between Agri/horti dept and NRLM. Institutional architecture is often complex. 

Districts are the best places to practice convergence as Collector/district magistrate is more easily accessible and collector is in charge of every department in the district.

There is also a need to bring PRIs into the policy discourse/dialogues. PRIs can play a big role in policy roll out as well as creating a grassroots demand for policy changes

Data is another thing that has been a huge problem in India. Data does not exist, it is often inaccurate and unreliable.

Some additional points:

Carbon credit is picking up, but we have to treat carefully. Audit and certification is happening, but often it is the intermediaries who benefit, not farmers.

Bihar has a state level net zero plan by 2040. This plan is totally based on agro economy. This means there will be huge impetus in the days to come. Agriculture ministry is key here.

This is first of many dialogues. TCI will share report and engage further.

Follow up:

  • Keep our engagement going with TCI

  • Krish will initiate discussions with Shakti and Rainmatter Foundation

  • CEEW is keen to engage in more concrete ways, wants to get more involved in FRAME (Abhishek)

  • Krish will connect Bihar team through mail with Anil Jha, Dy Director Ag Dept, Prabhat Ghosh, Director ADRI and UNEP Bihar Coordinator.

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