

Here a few takeaways and follow-up action points from the discussion happened with Palladium on 18.06.2022 .

Attendees :

DG: @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @Ronali Pradhan (Unlicensed) @Gautam Mandewalker @Amrita Das (Unlicensed)

Palladium : Biswajit Behera ( Project lead) Amarendra singh ( Lead , FPO portfolio )

@Kunal Tiwari (Unlicensed) @ashok (Unlicensed)

Minutes of Meeting :

  1. Introduction and presentation on the concept of Digital farmers network .

  2. How data can help the farmers / Framer producer company to access different services from the stakeholders.

  3. There was a brief introduction of Palladium and how palladium is working in the FPO ecosystem .

  4. Palladium has drafted the FPO policy for state Govt. ( Odisha)

  5. Palladium is currently the Technical Support Unit for Govt. (Odisha ) for strengthening the FPO ecosystem.

  6. Palladium is Connecting with all the registered FPOs ( Active and Non active ) of Odisha to revive them , build their capacity and increase the business turnover of the FPOs by increasing their access to market .

  7. They are also helping to increase the credit flow to the FPOs( Through various credit guarantee fund).

  8. Palladium as a CBBO has formed , registered and nurtured 6 FPOs in Odisha , 19 FPOs in Maharashtra and Gujarat .

  9. Biswajit from palladium has mentioned about the similar challenges faced by them due to unavailability of timely data , which has blocked their roads for various new initiatives.

  10. Palladium being the technical support unit for the govt , has built a FPO Odisha portal with 800 registered FPOs & 580 Active FPOs. The profile details of the FPO are being uploaded in the portal to help the FPOs interact with different stake holders ( Traders, input Dealers & Financial Partners). https://fpoodisha.nic.in/

  11. Odisha is coming up with an umbrella portal which will have all the existing schemes ( both state and central govt ) for FPOs in it . This portal is known as Sugam portal . https://sugam.odisha.gov.in/website/home ,Existing portal.

Proposal from Palladium :

  1. Palladium suggested to have a webinar with a larger group of FPOs (110 FPOs) to select the application .

  2. Looking into the immediate requirement of application selection and impact measurement , we ended up deciding to have a smaller group (5-6) of selected FPOs who are in the need of Fund for infrastructure and have Data Opportunity .

  3. We will be piloting with one or two FPOs and after exploring , can take it forward with the larger group.

Follow Up Action Points :

  1. palladium will be sharing the list of 5-6 selected FPOs to conduct workshop( online / offline) and select the application. (mail Id shared with palladium to send the list )

  2. Explore more about the Sugam portal and find how can we collaborate further in Technical assistance , data collection or impact measurement.