Women Data Cooperative (UN Room 9, Data2x, Aapti)

Women Data Cooperative (UN Room 9, Data2x, Aapti)

We have had a series of interactions with Data2x and Aapti who, as part of the the Rockerfeller 17 rooms program, are leading Room 9: “the purpose of Room 9 is to convene a group of creative thinkers and design a pilot data cooperative that advances gender equality.”

The idea is to work with Megha cooperative in Gujarat, part of SEWA, to pilot a data cooperative. What data would members be motivated to pool and why? On Aug 1, a team from Aapti and Digital Green visited Megha cooperative. Notes here.

As of Sep 2022 Data2x and Aapti are considering:

  • An incubation program for women-led data cooperatives that includes a training program, tools (Farmstack, consent manager, etc), and small grants

  • Plan to focus on financing for regenerative agriculture inputs (need more clarity on exactly what this means).

  • Beyond SEWA / Megha, want to work with existing groups that have women members and are women led, already have some data collection happening (digital or physical) and want access to money (esp for inputs) and to exert control over their data

  • Will be helpful for us to share an update on our approach and FPO profiles with Data2x and Aapti during the week of Sep 5. @ashok (Unlicensed) @Amrita Das (Unlicensed) @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed)

  • @rikin (Unlicensed) @alesha (Unlicensed) please chime in if I missed anything


This doc provides some further context on the motivation behind Room 9.

  • Data2x: an organization working to fill data gaps about women’s and girls’ lives worldwide. Key contact is Bapu Vaitla (bapu@collective.tools)

  • Aapti: Research institution that will generate public, policy-relevant, actionable and accessible knowledge from the frontiers of tech and society, about our networked lives, to support the creation of a fair, free, and equitable society. Key contact is Ashta Kapoor (astha@aapti.in)

Summary of earlier meetings



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