

Parametric insurance intro deck

Term sheet for excess rainfall program designed for Jharkhand. 712 rupee premium for 15,000 max payout for excess rainfall mid Feb through end of April.

  • Spoke with Dhyanesh Bhatt (CEO / Co-founder) on Aug 30

  • Jharkhand and Bihar pilot:

    • Worked with an FPO and insurance company to design a custom crop insurance program for tomato and paddy farmers

    • FPO had 500 members and during 15 day enrollment window, only 6 farmers signed up

  • Ideas for driving insurance through FPO

    • Ability to influence farmer is limited; insurance needs to be bundled with something else to drive uptake

    • All members in FPO are automatically enrolled and FPO deducts premium (eg, 100 rupee annually) from some regular transaction they have w members

    • Establish FPO member as a reseller of some product (eg, motor insurance)

  • Major insurance products:

    • health

    • parametric crop

    • livestock

    • Motor (2 wheeler, tractor)

  • Open to doing some pilots in Bihar where they have a presence


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