Samudra Network

  • spoke with Rajiv late June 2020

    • FPO Digitization: FPO Digitization solution which includes mobile applications and dashboards for the FPO / Federation / Co-Operative staff and directors to manage daily operations like Shareholder/Member tracking, Farm Input Sales, Stock & Inventory management, Farm Output sales and demands from buyers.

    • Were launching a marketplace to help FPOs sell into residential societies in Bangalore


Checkin March 2021

  • Digitize FPO; organize business better

  • not doing D2C

  • B2B market linkages, end to end runs with buyers

    • Samudra playing role of traders / salesperson currently

  • Create better awareness and capacity on farmer side. content development not a focus

  • Video production / content for FPOs on improving processes

  • Geographies:

    • Karnataka, MH, gujarat

    • AP and TN coming soon

Potential areas for collaboration April 2021

  1. FPO Content Development & Distribution : Content could be developed for helping FPOs to strengthen their capacity. Here we suggest a few topics below and would be happy to collaborate with DG on development and distribution of the content. We could look at sharing our learnings to help define the content, distribute it in our network etc. We would like to be credited for the work together with DG here :) and can explore other forms of collaboration and joint opportunities in this.

Suggested Topics :

a) New FPOs - Intro to FPO Model, How to setup an FPO

b) New FPOs - Business opportunities for FPOs

c) Good FPO Business Management practices

d) Building an Inputs Business

e) Preparing for Market Linkages : Aggregation, Knowing what the farmers are growing, Quality management

  1. Leveraging Current tools and future development : We have developed extensive tools at SN for FPO digitization and data capture,I understand DG has done work in this area as well. Here we want to explore if we can collaborate and join forces together to drive impact faster into the FPO ecosystem.