


JoinData is a non-profit co-operative with the object of facilitating easy, efficient and secure data sharing. JoinData itself has no interest in your data, but ensures that data are shared securely through a 'digital data highway' and are not open to unauthorized use. You can manage your authorizations for sharing data and view your data streams through My JoinData. Based on the cooperative concept, the aim is to connect all parties, to enable you to gain maximum benefit and retain control over your own data and authorizations.

Organization structure


  • General Assembly: JoinData is a cooperative and therefore we hold a general assembly twice a year. This consists of representatives of the member organizations. At the GA we discuss the past and future policy of JoinData. Members can vote, monitor how plans are implemented and have a say in strategic matters and other important decisions.

  • The Supervisory Board supervises the management of the organization. The board advises – solicited and unsolicited – on the general course of events within JoinData. In addition, the SB contributes ideas about the development of the organization in the medium and long term. Finally, the Board plays the role of a sounding board for the management.

  • We have set up an independent audit committee to oversee how farmers share their data through the My JoinData platform. The committee monitors the process of data sharing and ensures that the farmer’s position is strengthened. In order to achieve this, members can have checks carried out on authorizations and data exchange, both solicited and unsolicited.

  • JoinData has one director. He is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of JoinData and reports to the Supervisory Board.

  • The Data Sounding Board Group has six experts in the field of software and data exchange. They give the board of JoinData solicited and unsolicited advice on issues, trends and developments around data and data exchange.

  • We believe that the voice and vision of farmers themselves are very important. That is why we have set up a Farmers Sounding Board Group, consisting entirely of practicing farmers. They advise JoinData – solicited and unsolicited – on professional subjects.

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