H Square (Sahyadri)

H Square (Sahyadri)

@Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) and @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) spoke with Pramod Rajebhosale on Oct 3. Pramod leads H Square which is an FPC training program at Sahyadri Farms (hugely successful FPO, based in Nashik Mahrashtra and focused on grape exports)


Next Steps

  • A few of us will visit Sahyadri and see the course in action and explore collaboration opportunities, ideally sometime in October

  • May sponsor leadership from FPCs we are working with to participate in a training course (8500 per attendee for 3 days)


  • Training is focused on 2-3 key resources within each FPO; typically chairperson, CEO and director (someone works closely w chairperson)

  • Sahyadri has +800cr turnover, this is beyond what most FPOs can imagine so also arrange exposure visits to smaller nearby FPOs as well (2 to 10cr annual turnover)

  • Each training batch has 25 to 30 attendees (8-9 FPOs per batch), selected and sponsored by the sponsoring agency 

  • Sponsoring agencies: CBBO (seems like a lot of corporate CBBOs like Lupin, Bayer have sent their FPO leadership, NABARD)

  • Want to host 46 training sessions over the next year

  • Tried virtual session during COVID but found these are not nearly as effective, feel its critical for attendees hear from farmer members and how they have been impacted

  • Introduced DG video based training approach and focus on FPO leadership ↔︎ member coordination

  • Courses held in Hindi and Marathi

  • Recently launched an FPO incubation program; selected 16 groups from across Maharasthra focused on horticulture, 3 year program where Sahyadri supports with market, tech, infrastructure, capital, leadership training