H Square (Sahyadri)
@Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) and @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) spoke with Pramod Rajebhosale on Oct 3. Pramod leads H Square which is an FPC training program at Sahyadri Farms (hugely successful FPO, based in Nashik Mahrashtra and focused on grape exports)
Next Steps
A few of us will visit Sahyadri and see the course in action and explore collaboration opportunities, ideally sometime in October
May sponsor leadership from FPCs we are working with to participate in a training course (8500 per attendee for 3 days)
Training is focused on 2-3 key resources within each FPO; typically chairperson, CEO and director (someone works closely w chairperson)
Sahyadri has +800cr turnover, this is beyond what most FPOs can imagine so also arrange exposure visits to smaller nearby FPOs as well (2 to 10cr annual turnover)
Each training batch has 25 to 30 attendees (8-9 FPOs per batch), selected and sponsored by the sponsoring agency
Sponsoring agencies: CBBO (seems like a lot of corporate CBBOs like Lupin, Bayer have sent their FPO leadership, NABARD)
Want to host 46 training sessions over the next year
Tried virtual session during COVID but found these are not nearly as effective, feel its critical for attendees hear from farmer members and how they have been impacted
Introduced DG video based training approach and focus on FPO leadership ↔︎ member coordination
Courses held in Hindi and Marathi
Recently launched an FPO incubation program; selected 16 groups from across Maharasthra focused on horticulture, 3 year program where Sahyadri supports with market, tech, infrastructure, capital, leadership training