Agri Infrastructure Fund

May 2022 Guidelines

  • Financing facility of ₹ 1,00,000 crore will be provided for funding Agriculture Infrastructure Projects at farm-gate & aggregation points Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies, Farmers Producer Organizations, Agriculture entrepreneurs, Start-ups, etc. Impetus for development of farm- gate & aggregation point, affordable and financially viable Post Harvest Management infrastructure.

  • To mobilize a medium - long term debt finances facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management Infrastructure and community farming assets through incentives and financial support in order to improve agriculture infrastructure in the country.

  • 3% annual interest subvention upto 2cr and 7 years

  • Credit guarantee coverage will be available for eligible borrowers from this financing facility under Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) scheme for a loan up to ₹ 2 crore. The fee for this coverage will be paid by the Government.

  • Lending rates: Lending rate of participating lending entities will be decided after due consultation with lending entities and same will be circulated to all stake holders. Lending institutions will sign MOU with DA&FW/ NABARD for implementation of the Scheme. MOUs to be signed by DA&FW/NABARD with banks/financial institutions with a view that DA&FW/NABARD will negotiate cap on lending rates in a fair manner.

  • a minimum of 10% of the project cost shall be mandatory as promoter’s contribution

  • Output and Outcome Monitoring Framework (OOMF) (Annexure-B) will be a part of
    monitoring system and the measurement of outcome indicators will be monitored periodically by DLMC, SLMC and NLMC