Ag Collective Conference Notes

Ag Collective Conference Notes

Summarizing some takeaways from a recent conference on “Governance and Sustainable competitiveness within Ag Collectives” hosted by VAMNICOM

Conference Agenda

Papers (Some interesting topics here, would be cool to dive in further)



On Dec 16, a few presenters talked about the role and current status of SHG Cluster Level Federations with a focus on how these CLFs create value for their members. What is the right governance model that enables SHGs to compete in a global market?

Efficiency is necessary but not sufficient for SHGs and collectives; overall member wellbeing and environmental sustainability also critical. This is different from a corporate model.

CS Reddy from APMAS:

  • APMAS recently hosted a Vision 2030 workshop on the vision for CLFs. 75 women leaders participated and shared their ambitions. See this paper for a summary

Poverty-free & Equitable Society: SHGs and their federations to evolve into autonomous, independent, self-reliant, sustainable, modern and agile institutions owned, managed, controlled & used by women strongly supported by an enabling ecosystem for the SHG movement to realize its full potential of social, economic & political empowerment of women and their families free of poverty & deprivation.

Creation of wealth in an equitable gender-just society that enhances quality of life of women: SHGs and their federations to evolve into autonomous, independent, self-reliant, sustainable, resilient institutions owned, managed and utilized by women strongly supported by an enabling ecosystem for the SHG movement to realize its full potential of social and economic empowerment of women.


  • Major needs of CLFs:

    • Digitization: enable CLFs to come together to share data; rating and performance assessment of CLFs

    • Uniform legal structure for SHGs; similar to MAACS Act or Bihar Self Supportive Cooperative Act (link). Right now, federations are a mix of formal and informal

  • What role should CLF play? Envision a three tier structure with SHGs (average 12 members) → Village Organizations (VOs) → Cluster Level Federations. Each layer adds complexity and cost and needs to add value. So what do CLFs do to add value?

    • Self regulatory organization; ensure SHGs have accounting / book-keeping, protect savings, performance monitoring

    • Audit, elections, good governance practices (at the SHG and VO levels)

    • Financial intermediaries: play the role of business correspondent for banks 

    • Mature SHG federations can either promote/incubate FPOs or be recognized as FPOs  (promote CHCs, decentralized food processing, collection center, marketing)

    • Note, much of this is similar to the role that SHG promoting orgs have played in the past

  • Mutual benefit organizations; for profit but this is channeled towards increasing member income

  • No one size fits all; flexibility for SHG federations to be autonomous business orgs with their own biz plan.

  • Need a fee-based service model so they are not reliant on govt to cover operational costs.

Vijaylakshmi, CGM from NABARD shared stats on SHGs from a financing perspective


  • NABARD setup E-Shakti portal to digitize SHG data to encourage bank linkage. See here for detail

  • Credit and non-credit history of the group is captured; NRLM and non-NRLM grading norms

  • Data on 12 lakhs groups

Ranjani Murthy MYRADA, IFAD consultant covered “What is the right governance model for SHG federations to create value?”

  • Governance: definition from UNESCO; need a bottoms-up approach 

  • Value creation: Economic important but also need to consider social (political, social welfare, safety); how does value creation happen in a sustainable manner

  • MFIs are gaining share relative to SHGs

Devesh Kumar, Project Manager for Marketing and Innovation for JEEViKA shared perspectives on what CLFs do and a case study on bananas where CLFs are playing an FPO promotion role