Visit To Nursery :

Visit To Nursery :

Date : 12.09.2022-13.09.2022

Purpose of Visit :

  1. Alignment with OLM (Loan and Grant )

  2. Meeting with NABARD

  3. Meeting With KVK (Advisory alignment )

  4. Nursery Operation & Data Collection

  5. Training on Nursery operation and advisory by KVK.

Alignment with OLM :

As per the discussion with OLM DPN , the mission shakti is promoting PGs in the block in which the Saharapada FPC is located . In the next phase , they will release money for PC promotion in the same block, at that time Saharapada will be eligible for the grant and this grant will take at least 6 months from now . CYSD as the promoting institution will facilitate this grant . CYSD has already received this grant for a different FPC in different block . OLM has facilitated the working capital loan to Saharapada through SHG federation . A working capital loan of 2 lakhs is being facilitated .

Meeting with NABARD:

Nabard will not be able to facilitate CEO for the FPC, as this policy has been withdrawn . Nabard now is facilitating only through CBBOs . As saharapada is CYSD promoted and CYSD is not receiving any fund for the institution and capacity building of the FPO so Saharapada FPO is now acting a an independent FPO. We can have a discussion with CBBOs in Odisha to know the requirements . Nabard can provide Working capital to the FPO through their subsidiary Navkisan at a subsidized rate of 9 % followed by grant for institution and capacity building .

Meeting with KVK :

In a meeting with MR. Sukanta,Scientist from KVK we discussed with him bout the problems faced by the BODs in managing the Nursery and the immediate requirements . A training was planned on 13.09.2022 with the BODs and some workers in the nursery .It was discussed to have a whtsapp group where the photos can be shared and advisory can be given to them immediately at the same place.

Nursery Operation & Data Collection :

For the season Sept-Nov the BODs are conducting PG meetings are collecting the demand in register . The first set of indent that was collected in register is now being entered in KDE . There was a issue in KDE ,for which the data officers were not able to enter data in it. The issue has been resolved and the data entry is in process.

Plan :

Plan is to convert the physical register into google sheet that was shared with the team earlier.

Sharing the Sheet for reference . Register sheet

  1. Training on Nursery operation and advisory by KVK & follow up steps:

Training Update

Technical expert for Nursery was identified by Ronali Ma’am . 

Trainer Name : Dr Sukanta kumar sahoo, Senior scientist , KVK, Keonjhar.

Participants : 60 FPO members 

The training was organized by KVK, 

Topic: Technical advice & pest management in soil less nursery . There was a detailed discussion and demonstration of the process of seed sowing for soilless nurseries . Advisory on the basis of Different Pest and diseases were also discussed.

Followed by the training session , a WhatsApp group was created & this will be used as a platform for advisory services. Any problem , whether faced by Nursery or individual farmers will be shared in the group . There will be frequent visits by KVK to the same village for advisory and monitoring . Seeing the nursery and interest of the farmers in the area ,KVK is also planning to adapt the village to keep the advisor continuous. 

After observing the inputs in the nursery , it was observed that the quality of vermicompost is not up to the mark. It was suggested to prepare the vermicompost at the nursery level & the training and all the necessary materials such as Bucket , shades & worms  for the same will be provided by KVK. 


Loan Application :

The Community investment fund  is released to Grampanchayat level federation and the same fund is given to the SHG for their utilization. SHG can use this fund for any business activity or lending .

Documents required: 

  1. Aadhar Card Xerox of all SHG members

  2. Group photo of SHG members

  3. SHG loan agreement signed by SHG secretary , president & borrower

  4. SHG grading format to be signed 

  5. Xerox copy of SHG resolution 

  6. 1 rupee revenue stamp

  7. Purpose of loan to be mentioned in court paper

  8. SHG Bank passbook front page Xerox

Process : 

  1. Decision to be taken in the SHG meeting & resolution to be made in the presence of President & secretary .

  2. Aadhar card and all the above mentioned documents with the signature of president and secretary of SHG will be deposited at OLM block office . 

  3. After verification of the documents and grading of the SHG , the loan application will be sent to the Bank for fund release according to the requirement.

Interest to be paid : 6 P.A



@Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @ashok (Unlicensed) @Sai @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) @Ronali Pradhan (Unlicensed) @Chandan Dash (Unlicensed)