Weekly team activities and tracking

Weekly team activities and tracking


This week’s focus (5/16)

Team update for 5/24

Response by Ronali


This week’s focus (5/16)

Team update for 5/24

Response by Ronali

Data + Measurement


Sanjeev, Shalu, Ashu, Ronali, Waseem, Shivabrata, Amrita


Narendra and Suri joining from AP team so we can leverage discussion for their opportunity as well

  1. Align on the most important metrics for the pilot.

  2. Adapt log frame as necessary

  3. Discuss whether data collection should be a single person or distributed

We discussed metrics around:

  • Getting the asset: What kinds of saplings do farmers want?

  • Using the data: How is the productivity and quality of saplings?

  • Users of the data: What data will be relevant to banks / input providers / others?

  • Long term impact metrics: What can we track related to resilience, nutrition, sales / income generated?

How effective was the solution in creating food security and household nutrition?


Did the intervention create new data sources relevant to external stakeholders?


How effective was it in increasing women’s participation?

For Ronali’s meeting with FPO:

  • What are the FPO’s aspirations beyond the nursery? What will they do in the next 1 year? What are their aspirations in 5 years? What will it take to get to that future state?

  • How did we decide that tomatos

CYSD suggested to study household level impact of this pilot













Reason behind selecting tomatoes - the season and demand by the farmers

External stakeholders


(Chandan + Ronali + Shalu + Eric)

  • Ronali to identify the stakeholders we should engage throughout the pilot and have the initial senior-level conversation


We discussed potential external stakeholders:

  • Banks / Dept of horticulture and agriculture

  • Odisha livelihood mission

  • Material providers: Soil mix

  • NABARD as a financing source

  • ORMAS helps w marketing dept of agri who can provide seeds and other inputs

  • farmer members who can see some aggregated stats about the FPO

With Eric:

  • Visual assets for DFN (slide deck?)

  • Blog posts

Target to finalize week of 5/31

For each of the potential data consumers, we need to understand specifically what data they want to see and what value they would give back to the farmers. We need a standard way to capture this dynamic through an in-person convo. @Amrita Das (Unlicensed)


Potential data consumers - Member farmers, Non member farmers, FPO as a whole, CYSD, OLM, Horticulture dept, ORMAS, NABARD, KBK

Grant Disbursement


(Giovanna, Ronali, Ashu)

  • Align on whether we will purchase the asset directly or use a different process

  • Decide on a single disbursement or tranched (if so, on what schedule / milestones)

  • @Narendra Kandimilla (Unlicensed) to speak with FPO CAs to understand implications to them of receiving a grant

@Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed), Neha and Amrita spoke with Ajay Sud and CIDS team on May 19. Bc FPOs cannot receive foreign contributions (FCRA) he suggests DG setup a leasing business which rents assets to FPOs at a discounted rate with an agreement for transferring the asset over some time. Will prepare memo outlining this approach and some alternatives which we should receive week of May 30.

I need to understand more on this and we have to discuss this with CYSD well in advance

Physical Asset - setup and using it


(Ronali, Chandan and Amrita)

  • Ronali to consult with the agriculture officer about supporting the farmers 2-3 times per month. Afterwards, we can figure out if DG needs to make some videos, and what seeds to procure.

  • Installation will be done by the vendor

Project plan prepared

See here

Also, as a backup or to augment DoH on technical support, I reached out to Sunil Khairnar at ISAP to see if someone in their network can support.

Its better we onboard someone locally. We are exploring this option with KBK or Horticulture office because one needs to understand the local agro climatic zone (ACZs).

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