Team visit to Community Nursery (Dt- 2-4th Aug)

Team visit to Community Nursery (Dt- 2-4th Aug)

@Chandan Dash (Unlicensed) @ashok (Unlicensed) @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @Ronali Pradhan (Unlicensed) @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed)


Points of Discussion & Action points :

The community Nursery set up has been completed and the FPO has started planting the seeds (Tomatoes ) for the coming season. There is a demand of 1,40,000 saplings for the season, 65000 seeds are already planted and the FPO is planning to complete 1,40,000 saplings by Aug 6th so that the saplings are ready to sell by Aug 25th. The tentative date of delivery to the farmer is from Aug 25-30 .

The Nursery set up and the operational activities are taken care by the responsible BODs of the FPO .and it was really great to see the BODs involved in the activity almost 6-8hrs a day.

The agenda of the visit was :

-To look in to operational activities of the nursery ,

-Check what are the supports needed from DG

-What are the Data to be collected & some format finalization

-Meeting different service providers to know the data requirements and services they can provide to the FPO.

Data collection and Record maintenance : The FPO is collecting a lot of information of the Nursery in different 5-6 registers . Some of the data that were maintained are 1. Daily Labor record 2. Daily seed plantation data 3. Stock 4.Indent of farmers 5. Advance collected. The FPO mentioned about the hardship of maintaining all these records and wants some tool to use. After various discussion internally and with the FPO , we could finalize few data points that FPO needs to maintain for daily operation of the FPO .

  1. Input management record ( seeds, vermicompost , coco pit etc.)

  2. Daily expenditure ( To find out the cash flow at the end of the season )

  3. Stock ( to keep record and order for the input before time)

  4. Indent collection ( Orders received variety wise along with the selling data)

Training requirements :

The FPO needs a proper technical training on poly house management . We have discussed with the Dept of horticulture to provide technical assistance to the FPO . For continuous assistance and daily activities FPO needs some module to be with them . We can further discuss with some technical partners to prepare a module for the same (may be in video format ).

The FPO wants some marketing assistance through a proper video which can be disseminated in PG or village level to increase the quantum of order . This can also increase the share holder base of the FPO.

Service provider :

Seed Companies : As per the discussion with Bayer crop science , they can support the FPO in providing seed and other advisory services on pest & disease management . These are the few points they need

1.Variety & Quantity of seed required

2. Agronomy of the area

3. Pest and insects prone in the area

4. common agricultural practices on the local area

5. Total number of farmers in the FPO

Farmer : We have discussed with one of the farmer ,who has given a order of 700 saplings . The questions asked by the farmer to the BOD before ordering are -

  1. Variety available

  2. Tentative date of delivery

  3. Diff between normal sapling and soil less sapling

  4. What happens in case of pest and insect attack

OLM Discussing : @ashok (Unlicensed) @Chandan Dash (Unlicensed) Mention the criteria's discussed with the OLM for providing financial assistance to the FPO at different stages .

-PGs/SHGs can get funds if required to meet working capital demand

-OLM provides grants of up to 1 CR per FPO + Credit at low-interest rates up to 1 CR based on the rating.

-DPM would share grading criteria.

Data Tool: Aditya to add the inputs to the data tool kit.

Action Points for the next few months :

1. Marketing video for the FPO to be made

2. Training video module

3. Business development plan (Projection for next season and payback period of the nursery )

4. Data tool (to convert the registers into the application)


  1. CEO to share monthly PL statement with DG/CYSD- DG to share the format

  2. FPOs to create subcommittees to manage different components of the nursery-Input committee, Marketing committee

  3. If possible Support FPO to get CC TV to decrease the drudgery of Women members.

  4. Data officers to maintain stock inventory and update the board /CEO on a weekly basis



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