Grant Agreement Points

Grant Agreement Points

Documenting some key points that will need to be captured in our grant agreement

A lot will depend on the mechanics of the funding and my guess is that we will have an immediate “MVP” approach for things that we want to execute on in June / July (Community Nursery, Solar Cold Storage, Collection Centers) and then a more scalable and operationally / financially involved solution beyond that (perhaps DG lends out the assets to FPOs). For now, keeping this part of it light

  • Fees: No fees payable to Digital Green

  • Software License: DG will make the tools that are developed as part of this collaboration available open source. Input that the FPO provides on features will be made available to all users

  • Data Ownership: All data captured via the tools belongs to the FPO. DG will not share the data unless the FPO requests it to be shared and it will not monetize the data for its own benefit.

    • Eventually, we need some organization which stands behind these claims and give them credibility / trust. Maybe its a Section 8 company or Data Trust with others from the ecosystem playing a role.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    • DG: Develop tools for data collection, management and sharing. Support training of FPO and Resource Institution staff on data / digital literacy and technical aspects relating to the community asset

    • FPO: Execute on proposed activity for which grant is being given, assign data officers, meet grant reporting requirements (combo of videos and capturing relevant data)

    • Data Officer: Utilize and provide feedback on data collection / sharing / mgmt tools. Detail fee arrangement here

    • Resource Institution: Open question, should they be called out and be a signatory to this agreement? Is identifying external data consumers their responsibility or is that on DG or FPO?

  • Funding / Purpose of Funding: [this will vary based on the mechanics]



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