Intro Presentation

Intro Presentation

Draft presentation here

Thanks to @Eric Firnhaber (Unlicensed) and @Shalu Umapathy (Unlicensed) for leading on this

@Kunal Tiwari (Unlicensed) is leading on identifying stakeholders for initial reach out and is mapping out the larger ecosystem of FPO support.

The list of potential stakeholders is categorised largely into four buckets:

  1. Resource Agencies

  2. Data Consumers

  3. Enablers/Influencer organizations

  4. Donors/Funding Agencies

As of June 1, the plan is for Kunal to arrange meetings with a ~5 “friendly” stakeholders over the next few weeks who can give us constructive feedback and would be ideal early partners.

Ideally we want to show get feedback and engagement from a breadth of stakeholders:

  1. Resource institutions who we can partner with to reach FPOs: TRIF, Apmas, Vrutti, Access Livelihoods

  2. Enablers who are supporting FPOs like NABARD, SFAC, NAPFO, ISAP

  3. Donors/funders like India Climate Collaborative (ICC) and MAF in India and others in the US (@alesha (Unlicensed) and @Rebekah Stutzman (Unlicensed) are focusing on small family offices

  4. Service providers who would be data consumers at scale: Samunnati, seed companies, mechanization / equipment companies, etc.

@rikin (Unlicensed) others that you think would be a good initial audience?