BlueSky Analytics

BlueSky Analytics

Spoke with the strategy team (Yashika Maheshwari, Tej, Vedant) on Dec 7

Bluesky wants to build the Bloomberg for environmental data

Leverage satellite data to curate and publish/sell environmental datasets

Datasets already published:

  • Air pollution: increased from ~300 to 3mn data points

  • Where are farm/forest fires happening; working on 7 days fire forecast  

  • Next up datasets: water levels, flood prediction

Launching a data driven climate action program; work with partners to develop and make use of climate resilience and adaptation datasets

Agreed that DG could leverage a BS developed dataset and package into advisories for farmers (eg, a flood prediction advisory) and potentially feed ground truth data back to BS for model training / validation

The climate action program is launching in coming months, will stay in touch