Reddy Foundation
Reddy Foundation
Spoke with Dr. Sudeshna Maya Sen from Dr. Reddy Foundation on Apr 26
“Lead Farmer Platform” with ~300 “lead” farmers and 30,000 “fellow” farmers. Idea is P2P extension / learning where lead farmers do field demos and other activities
Active in Samastipur in Bihar + UP; launching in Punjab, Haryana, and MP
Testing 16 “technologies” for their impact on emissions and income: direct seeded rice, zero tillage maize, drums for soil moisture conservation, borwell recharge
Have a separate program focus on rural livelihoods looking at FPO development
Working with CIMMYT (ML Jat) and IDFC (Yashpal Saharawat) to develop CO2 baselines
Monitoring and verification of farmer practices is a challenge and open to utilizing DG platform in Bihar