GHG Platform

GHG Platform

Consortium of civil society groups that generates emissions estimates

Compare their results vs National Communications (“Natcom”) which include the Biennial Update Report and UNFCCC; 2% differential in 2015 estimates

Their focus areas (per Sep 2019 Workshop presentation) align with our objectives:

  • Robust inventories

    • Collect disaggregated activity data and develop country-specific emission factors

    • Periodic, streamlined, accurate reporting to capture on-ground developments and improvements

  • Climate policies

    • Integration of climate action policies with development goals

    • Capacity building at state-level to support implementation of GHG mitigation actions

    • Focus on supporting state government who don’t have bandwidth to do a detailed inventory

Sep 7 call

  • Spoke with Raman Mehta who leads AFOLU sector and Srinivas who is CEO of Vasudha Foundation

  • Raman’s sense is that emission reduction from ag will not excite policymakers esp bc bulk of ag emissions are from livestock (70-75%) and rice (12-15%) where we don’t have a super strong case at the moment; the co-benefits narrative is good tying our work to better remuneration for farmers is important

  • One point is to look at the intersection of ag and energy access as this could be pretty impactful. For example, GHG platform has done projects that look at the impact of subsidies on farmer behavior; for example, what is the take up and GHG impact of the PM Kusum scheme

    • Setting up solar powered renewable energy power plants (10,000 MW of 500kw to 2MW each), solar powered agricultural pumps (7.5 HP capacity, 1.75mn pumps) and solarize Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps (1mn)

  • In general, right now electricity generation, even its for agricultural activities, is counted separately by IPCC and we could club them together to tell the whole story

  • How could we work together?

    • GHG platform is extending their national and state level emission estimates til 2019 and this will be publicly available in coming months

    • GHG platform could generate district level emission estimates with detailed breakdown on AFOLU

    • GHG platform could project emissions from AFOLU til 2030 (at a state or district level)

    • Study of emission reductions from a program like PM Kusum

Aug 17 call

  • Spoke with Rini and Shubi. Rini is the Senior Manager, Climate and is leading the GHG work.

  • Raman Mehta is the Programme Director of Vasudha Foundation and he has been overseeing work on emissions estimation of GHG for the AFoLU sector; was not on the call.

  • Phase 4 estimates started on Aug 1; will extend time series through 2019

  • Open to working together, I mentioned getting support on total emissions from Agriculture in Bihar based on BAU scenario would be useful

  • Sent project brief and ideas for collaboration, to followup in a couple weeks

  • Methodology for how estimates are derived



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