Optimizing Nitrogen
Status (for kharif 2022)
Formula for N recommendation is developed and ready to use for site specific recommendation during this upcoming season
Farmer level:
In some cases, excess application means N is not being absorbed by the plant and increasing yield but just wasted expense and entering the atmosphere
In some cases, can increase application and boost yield
Fertilizer shortages are widespread
Existing mental model = more nitrogen, more yield. Reality is that you can over-saturate (plants can only absorb so much nitrogen)
System level
Urea prices driven by natural gas prices which are spiking due to macro factors
As part of the Soil Intelligence System, CIMMYT/CSISA working at a state and national level on moving to DBT subsidies where farmers can use funds to buy what they need rather than subsidizing inputs
$20bn national spend (India) on subsidizing fertilizer last year
SIS working group coordinates with Principal secretary for Ag at the state level and then shares learning w national ministers
Excess nitrogen fertilizer huge driver for emissions
CSISA has done N balance modeling to figure out where can farmers safely reduce N application without negatively impacting yield
Anticipated yield response when managing for a certain N balance
N balance = N supplied in fertilizer less N absorbed by crop biomass
100kg of fertilizer, estimates plant uptake is 80, N balance = +20
Target +30kg balance which provides a safe buffer; farmer unlikely to see yield reduction
Lots of places with opportunity to reduce N fertilizer by 20 kg per hectare without impact yield
What is this worth to farmers in terms of rupees saved? Need to quantify
How to operationalize?
Identify target districts
JEEViKA alignment
Awareness building videos
Storyboard; why should farmers care?
Introduce concept of N balance and flag where they may be potential
Capture critical parameters via VRPs / data wallet in order to deliver site specific recommendation
Previous season yield and fertilizer applied
CSISA has formula for estimating optimal fertilizer amount (w 30kg per hectare buffer)
Deliver recommendation and track adoption
Quantify impact
Farmer costs savings
100 farmers realizing this emission reduction for rice is equal to ~6,800 passenger vehicles for one year or nearly 16mn kg of coal burned. Reference
Estimate emission reduction of 172 kg/ha-1 CO2e for wheat and 316 kg/ha-1 CO2e for paddy from reducing surplus nitrogen fertilizer.