Aug 9 2022 Visit

Aug 9 2022 Visit

@Amrita Das (Unlicensed) @ashok (Unlicensed) @Sai @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) @Adiya @Narendra Kandimilla (Unlicensed) @Kamalakar Vemula​ (Unlicensed) @Thaduru Surender (Unlicensed) visiting Annapurna on Aug 9 from ~10am to 4pm

Making a list of questions / things to cover while we are there.



  • Gather all the inputs we need to prepare a ROI / payback analysis for the collection center

  • Gather all the inputs we need to prepare a Sources and Uses table. Need to understand contributions from outside of DG (from FO, resource institution, govt, commercial lenders, etc.)

  • Develop a sense for what data outputs we need for each of the following:

    • Impact outcomes for funding platform

    • Transparency to whats happening for farmer org members

    • Data consumer use case related to offtake

    • Data consumer use case related to inputs



  • Will farmer members pay to use the collection center and threshing yards? How much?

  • What is the useful life of the collection center and what maintenance is required?

    • Maybe it makes sense to speak with the vendor? Would that be possible in the time we have? Or ask the vendor some questions in advance of our visit? @Thaduru Surender (Unlicensed)

  • What time periods will the collection center be highly utilized? What will happen in down months?

  • How many farmers are associated with the FO? How many are “members” (what does this mean?) and how many have contributed share capital?

  • How often to FPO members meet? What is covered during these meetings?

  • Was there a vote to decide on establishing a collection center?

  • Who are some service providers who have visited the FPO over the past 6 months? Any that had a compelling product or service (potential data consumers)

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