FPO Visit/ Workshop 23.6.22

FPO Visit/ Workshop 23.6.22

This page contains Workshop flow / Data points

@Amrita Das (Unlicensed) @Thaduru Surender (Unlicensed) @Narendra Kandimilla (Unlicensed) @Kamalakar Vemula​ (Unlicensed) @Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @Shalu Umapathy (Unlicensed)

Useful intel:

  1. Land for the construction will be donated by the Jattu trust.

  2. FPO has experience in managing the shared assets ( Oil mill, Millet cleaning units, Crop tech )

  3. FPO has good support from Jattu ( qualified Engineer, Coordinator, CRPs, iCRPS )

  4. This FPO has ………………PGs

Workshop Flow (about 3 hours )


Discussion points


Discussion points

FPO composition ( 10 to 15 minutes)

Explain about your FPO -Structure

Name of the FPO : Annapurneswari Girishakti Crop Producers Company Ltd.

Registration no. U01100AP2021PTC118674

Shareholder : 405 (Male 232 & Female 173)

Available Share capital : 3,40,400/-

Board-Staff-Members : currently serving 10 member as BODs and among 3 members female.

Villages covers : 52

Gram Panchayath : 36

Mandals : 5

CEO: Reddi Manohar Rao (MA)

Details of the office bearers ( bank signatories) :

  1. Sri Datti Venkata Naidu, Managing Director

  2. Smt. Mandala Lakshmi (Director

  3. Reddi Murhari Rao (CEO)

Details of the staff:

  1. Bobbili Dileswara Rao (Resource Person)

  2. Kolli Ravanamma (Value Addition Worker)

  3. Kolli Simalamma (Value addition worker)

-Villages-GPs-Committees -

10 Board members :

  1. Sri Datti Venkata naidu - 9121147873

  2. Smt. Mandala Lakshmi - 8897931824

  3. Smt. Dollu Lalithamma - 9866342067

  4. Smt. Tamada Sarala Naidu - 7993856578

  5. Sri. Meenaka Krishna Rao - 6304490092

  6. Sri. Kondagorri Sannidora - 8500966900

  7. Sri. Kamidi BhushanaRao - 9381026823

  8. Sri. Nimmaka GowrieswaraRao - 6303875578

  9. Sri. Killaka MinnaRao - 8985064166

  10. Sri. Nandivada Haribabu - 7893210370

Activities ( 20 to 30 minutes)

What are all the business activities FPO has been doing?

Sesame oil extraction& sale

Millet processing – millets flour, millets rice

Wet and Dry weeders manufacturing unit and suppliers

They used to run millet Bakery but it was shut during the lockdown as it was incurred 2 lakhs. This was happened due to covid eruption following

Proposed Business / Activity ( 30 minutes)

Why this activity -List out all valid points

FPO proposed Collection center cum warehouse, where some portion also used for drying and thrashing.

Anticipating benefits from the proposed activity.

  1. It helps to procure available products from farmers members and store in one place which helps to plan the better for business.

  2. If the produce get collected to one place then that will be easy to undertake grading and sorting activity either manually or by using machinery as per the market requirements

  3. It help farmer members to wait till the market rates hikes. as current practices that farmer members are following the distress selling due to improper storage point.

  4. Warehouse helps to retain the quality of the produce by protecting from natural calamities and other issue involved.

  5. Warehouse also gives confidence to fpo to procure huge quantum of produces from farmers members.

  6. They can also establish processing units at the warehouse which helps in FPO business development.

  7. It is gives an opportunity to provide insurance protection to the stored produce.

  8. If produce storage in one place then FPOs can easily call traders and show their produce which will help for business development .

Risks involved in the activity ( 20 minutes)

List all the risks in the proposed activity

Anticipating risk in managing the warehouse.

  1. Sometimes, huge produce procurements end of fetching losses as due to price fluctuation and floating producing in the markets.

  2. Sometimes, few products may discolored and quality loss due to stored for many days.

  3. FPO also paly a proactive roles while dealing with markets and especially selling the procured quantum of produce.. If not have strategies to deal with markets then they end of fetching losses.

  4. Risk of insects and diseases and rodents at the time of storage of grains. Damage and discoloration of processed products within a short period of time.

What are the plans to overcome the risks ? ( 20 minutes)

  1. FPO would like to constitutes sub committees to who look after business developments, procurements, markets, warehouse and stock maintenance

  2. This committee give more powers to take appropriate decisions according to business/market needs and act upon and simultaneously get in touch with BODs on the decisions and actions.

List all the stakeholders/ users

List all the persons / institutions /

  1. Farmers / Non members

  2. Traders

  3. Labours ( Especially women)

  4. Local customers / consumers. ( This FPO has customers around for cold pressed oils, Millets, Rice etc)


6. Bank / Finance institutions ( Aware of Samunnati, NAB KISAN, NABARD

7. Departments-Horticulture for Subsidy / ITDA for additional support

8.Insurance company

9.Skanda Organics

10. Bigbaskets


12. Customers spread across in AP and Telangana

Budget -

Estimated budget and sources of support (30 Minutes

-Already covered in the FPO page ( remains 19 Lakh 50 thousand for 500 MT of capacity of cold storage cum collection center).


Jattu trust will donate Rs. 2 lakh worth of land and this land now available with FPO name.

Rs.50,000 will get from FPO as contribution and another Rs.50000 from fpo share holder as their contribution

and rest of the budget i.e. Rs.18,50000/- worth support seeking from Digital Green.



List the crops, quantity and number of farmers

This gives clear indication of season wise crops they are planning to work with / Quantity and Number of farmers to get the services ( 10 minutes)

  1. Millets - 1400 farmers - 140 MTs - Dec to Feb

  2. Pulses - 950 farmers - 71 MTs - Jan to Feb

  3. Oil seeds - 300 farmers - 30 MTs - April to May

  4. Tamarind - 700 farmers - 70 MTs - Feb to April

  5. Cashew - 1300 Farmers -195 MTs -April to May


Data user

Data Points

Data collector

Data Provider

Existing system

Data user

Data Points

Data collector

Data Provider

Existing system

FPO -Use data to enrol more farmers. ( Increase share holders).

-All relevant statistics like basic details #members#share# turn over#Profit#activity scale



NGO/ Promoting agencies conduct meetings in the villages and approach farmers to join the FPO ( Slow process)

Traders - Important stake holders as commodities are procured at one point , processed to some extent and need Buyers




-Time of availability

-Level of processing




They majorly dealing with processed product marketing, remaining they sell raw produce to traders.

Labours -Processing or semi processing work

-Available work



Processing carried out at PG level. The small committees take care of this.

Existing customers around Parvatipuram / Thotapalli

-Product catalag



Word of mouth publicity






Bank/ Finace institutions

-Audit reports

-Registration details

-Business plans

-Basic details




ITDA / horticulture department

-Request letter

-Engineer plan

-FPO details





Insurance company

-Total quantity

-Value of the commodity



Not insured at the moment

Skanda Organics

(Monthly turn over of Rs 7 Lakhs- 4 offline shops and 3 e commerce sites)

-FPO member list



Skanda organics help FPOs to get organic certification for the group. IC 1 to IC 3. for 329 members group , charging about Rs 7 Lakhs


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