SSRDP - Savanarudga organic FPC/ Chennapatna FPC

SSRDP - Savanarudga organic FPC/ Chennapatna FPC

@Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) @Gautam Mandewalker @Razak K M @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) @Sai @Satish Chandra @saureen (Unlicensed) @Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) @Amrita Das (Unlicensed)


-Name of the FPCs

  • Savanadurga Organic FPC

  •  Chennapatna Fruits and Vegetable FPC

-Savanadurga FPC has 303 shareholders spread across 32 villages and share of Rs 353000/- and equity grant of Rs 300000 from SFAC. This FPC is doing d2c of organic vegetables, ( 3 runs a week- Details about this FPC are also here…….)

-Other  FPC is new and is yet to open a bank account with about 30 shareholders.


Savanadurga FPC

Chennapatna FPC

  • Doing d2c fresh vegetables trading

-Yet to start the business

Wants to do

  1. Value addition – Millets, Pickle and honey

2.Coconut-Oil and trading

  1. Input supply

Wants to do:

  1. Custom Hiring centres- Equipment’s leasing

  2. Input supply



  1. Millets


  1. Mango


  1. Vegetables

  2. Mango

  3. Beetle nut leaf

  4. Silk


Business they want to focus on

 Coconut-Oil and Trading


  1. Availability -80% of the farmers have Coconut plants

  2. Nearby market- Bengaluru

  3. ODOP support – Coconut district

4.High shelf life (compared to veggies)

  1. Option for multiple products

Resources they need-

  1. Logistics-Transport and Storage ( they can manage)

  2. Working capital ( They can get this)

  3. Information-Members and Market (they can do up to a extent-Manually but not at the scale

  4. Human resource- They need LRPs ( Local resource persons to collect data and to communicate).

  5. Quality SoP for the business


They expect good price realisation , convenience and capacity to liquidate to improve of these resources are made available

Top things FPC wants to focus on

  1. Production – Advisories.

  2. Quality SoP

3.Communication -Availability on both the sides

  1. PoPs.

5, Build Trust among  farmers.

Top one thing they FPCs want to work on


  1. Member registry.

  2. Continuous  update of the data.

  3. Quality shareholders

  4. Market Intelligence

These would lead to

  1. Increased members ( hypothesis can be well tested , as Chennapatna FPC has just 30 shareholders at the moment- And if we help them to reach 300, they would get equity grant from SFAC

  2. Diversify business

3.Increased turnover

4.Increased Trust ( connectivity)

  1. Transparency


Digital transactions

Few members have paid share capital through google pay ( to the account of BoDs) and most of them have share capital in cash.

The Veggies transactions-

Above Rs 5000/-, Cheques are given to the farmers and most of the transactions are through cash.

FPC wants to digitise the transactions and they are aware that cash transactions are cumbersome.


  • Some cash offers for digital transactions.

  • Cash discounts for inputs for digital purchases


@Gautam Mandewalker @Razak K M @Satish Chandra , Please add points.

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