Aug 22 Event Notes
@Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed)
Event Date - 22 August 2022
Location - EROS HOTEL, Nehru Palace, New Delhi
Timing - Full day event with first half as relevant presentation and second half as networking event
Agencies to connect to for greater details and actionable discussion -
ACORN - Frame work for carbon credit selling and data collection
VEDA - implementation agency since 2007 till date in AP and Telangana who have approached this based on agro forestry and now looking for a consortium approach to increase the impact. They are also working in Odisha.
TRIF / Intellecap : Planning to create a fund by coming year to enable investment in such projects. They are looking for a 15 year + model where the funds earning is structured on a cost plus model.
( and are two major contact points here.
They are also open to collaborators - as funder or implementation agency
As on date the prevailing rates for carbon credit is about 20 Euro / Tonne, of which about 70 percent has gone to farmer. This translate to about 1 hectare of land.
In future the aim is to increase this disbursement to 80 percent and basis the latest international support to Paris accord, we can expect this same value to increase to 100 Euro plus / tonne in next 15-20 year time period
On the farmer side - till now one of the major challenge has been their understanding and adoption regarding a global goal of reducing carbon emission. It is till now only based on incentive. The greater challenge will be implementation , when implementation agency will sign a consent with them to adopt the practice at the rate of @20 euro per hectare , whereas in 15 year we might see a greater increase in the earning.
How can farmer contribute in the forward looking approach - (a) Crop diversification (b) Climate smart agriculture practice (c) Sustainable land usage
TRIF - Intellecap Carbon financing platform intends to play the following roles ( preferably by collaborations across donors, corporates and impact agencies
(a) Awareness generation among farmers about carbon projects
(b) Enhancing technical capacity to design and implement high-quality carbon projects at scale
(c) Support monetisation of carbon assets and pre-financing of projects
(d) Enabling fair and just carbon sharing benefits
(e) Vulnerability resilience to local communities through improved watershed, microclimate, soil management etc;As shared by presenter - “ the challenges faced by participating farmer in carbon market” as are follows
(a)lack of technical capacity to develop high quality carbon projects
(b) Fragmented land holding
(c) lack of land ownership rights
(d) Limited capability to invest
(e) Poor linkage with carbon market and investor
Paddy is an good example for us to start with - cause this solves for various things like - land levelling triggers proper/optimal utilisation of water; residue mangement post harvest increases soil carbon level in case of mulching process ; we need to identify more parameters which can be data wise easy to capture or can be manifested from global data available for the region. Soil carbon content will play a big role here. Any paddy area closer to high population density in 100-150 km radius will be a good sample to pick up and work upon.
Identify areas where we can work on utilisation of barren lands to agro forestry ( more useful in tribal areas) - Target area - Tribal belt of AP or better
Crop diversification support; carbon prints in long distance travel - This is an extreme example but worth the try. In 2016-2018 period there was an attempt made by Karnataka government to create a protected cultivation initiative to produce potato seeds for Karnataka farmers, using latest hydroponics technology. Usually Potato seeds are best made in punjab and they travel to Karnataka farmers via road transport. The cost of seed increases from 6 rupee to 22 rupee from production area to utilisation area. Most of the cost upside is in cold storage and logistics cost. If the seeds can be grown locally , it will have a greater impact. Without any additional risk of Capital we can participate in this venture. A typical example of DFN, but with a very matured evaluation method in place.