July 27 Meeting Notes
Andy McDonald
Balwinder Singh
Sonam Sherpa
Digital Green
Ashu Sikri
Ashok Kumar
Meeting Notes
Topic 1: Model Calibration and Validation
The models use various constants and reference values which may not be accurate for India; for this reason, we will take an ensemble approach for predicting GHG emissions and provide a prediction range
EDF has emission data from 3 states in South India and open to sharing this to support model calibration. CSISA has some data on Haryana as well.
There is additional data collected by NICRA and others but there are some questions about quality; need to investigate whether this is accessible and usable
One output from the inter-comparison will be detail on the processes that are modeled in each and their relative strengths and weaknesses
Decisions / To Dos / Action Items
We will calibrate models to the best of our ability leveraging the ground data that already exists (generating new ground data is not feasible / in scope)
Kritee to intro Ashu to DAYCENT (done)
Ashu to reach out to DNDC and CFT to discussion model calibration
Topic 2: High level estimate for emissions from agriculture in Bihar (current and projected to 2030 assuming BAU)
We have not come across a source for emissions from ag in Bihar other than GHG platform
Decisions / To Dos / Action Items
Discuss with GHG platform (Ashu to reach out)
Andy to discuss with Prabhu
Topic 3: Do we want to look at modeling water as well?
CSISA and EDF both have interest and experience in this
Huge impact potential but also super complicated
Decisions / To Dos / Action Items
For the next couple years, focus on nitrogen, manure, perhaps tillage; water will be next up
Design the survey instrument to capture data relevant for water modeling
CSISA and EDF to share some existing collateral on their work related to water
Reference water as a future item in the concept note