Feb 14 Overview

Feb 14 Overview

Summarizing entry points as of Feb 14 so we can shortlist in the coming days and review with a few FPOs for feedback.

First section describes the idea and we can get into the Impact / Feasability dimensions, which include ability to execute, time to value, durability of the offering, etc. when we score/prioritize.

Entry Point

Value Prop for Farmer / FPO and Others


DG Role and Partners Needed

Analogs / References

Entry Point

Value Prop for Farmer / FPO and Others


DG Role and Partners Needed

Analogs / References

1) Help farmer groups apply for govt subsidies / grants. See detail here

- FPO: Simply process of getting grant funding

- Accelerate pace of enrollment and disbursing funding which benefits orgs like NABARD and others who are giving out the money

  • FPOs see a curated list of govt programs incl $ available, allowed use of proceeds, etc.

  • Simple process to capture relevant data

  • Get regular updates on application progress

  • Potentially could offer “factoring” where someone prepays the funds while application is pending and gets repaid once govt money finally arrives

  • DG compiles a list of programs and requirements. Work with govt partners to develop this and figure out any technical integrations that can streamline the process

  • DG provides the interface for data capture and a dashboard where memb

  • Haqdarshak?


2) Digital marketing “bootcamp” and Omnichannel tool. See detail here

- FPO: Leverage digital portals to reach more customers

- Digital portals have signed up FPOs but they are not active at the moment

  • FPO “marketing officer” goes through a training program which incl videos on various digital marketing tools

  • Capture critical data once and publish across various portals which have pre-built integrations

  • DG creates partnerships with various digital portals and builds integrations btwn their CMS' and KDE

PDD University

3) NFTs as a fundraising tool, esp for equipment.

See detail here

- FPO: Money to purchase equipment that benefits members

- NFTs are a unique engagement mechanism for donors

  • FPO select from a curated list of equipment which has productivity / environmental benefits

  • Donors purchase NFTs and proceeds are sent to FPOs who purchase equipment and share regular updates on usage stats

  • Usage updates and translated to impact metrics which increase demand for NFTs

  • Promoting orgs work w FPOs to identify equipment and impact metrics

  • Partners to support minting + marketing/selling NFTs


4) Peer data sharing / benchmarks. See detail here

- Farmers: Intel on what peers are doing will inform own practices

- Aggregated data useful to FPO for planning purposes

  • Farmer logs info (eg, planting date or crop yield) and receives an index or average that contextualizes their information vs. local peers

  • Complement numbers / dates / text with photos and mages

  • DG build interface for collecting and displaying information

  • DG compiles data and generates local benchmarks

  • FBN

  • Farmer scorecard

5) Input “auction”

- FPO: Drive competition between input suppliers and deliver best price to their members

- Input suppliers have a well organized source of leads

  • FPO captures input requirement via KDE

  • Requirements along w key dates published to a portal that is shared with input suppliers (local and e-commerce)

  • Suppliers have one week to submit their bids and FPO reaches out to lock in a deal

  • DG will bring on-board input suppliers to support this

  • DG provides interface for the transaction


6) Data Entry and Validation Kisan Coin. See here for detail

- FPO: relevant information is logged by farmers

  • FPO members get coins for recording / validating information

  • These coins can be redeemed for something

  • Design the infrastructure for issuing, tracking and retiring coins

Reddit Moons

7) FPO member “layaway” / savings accounts

- FPO: Stickiness w members bc their cash is parked in treasury

- Farmer members: Get discounts on purchases made from savings and/or yield on savings

  • FPO members save cash when they can and its aggregated and stored somewhere where it earns some yield

  • The cash is used for input purchases; FPO gets discounts on purchases through po

  • Need some mechanism for farmers to save away in small increments

  • Help FPOs work with input companies to strike deals on purchases (eg, climate resilient seeds, etc.)

  • Explore DeFi opportunities for the cash that is held in treasury


8) Ecosystem service payments

- FPO: new source of revenue for members

  • FPOs receive advisories on practices that deliver ecosystem services (reduced GHG emissions, improved SOC)

  • Record data and quantify impact

  • Sell to innovative offset buyers with a goal towards developing a methodology accepted by a registry to increase price / market

  • Advise farmers on practices and record their adoption

  • Experts on translating practices to ecosystem service impact

  • Brokers who can sell offsets

Biochar Life


9) Peer certification (eg, PGS)

FPO: Standout to buyers

Farmers: Increased price realization

Retailers: Differentiated products to drive store traffic

Consumers: Transparency to what they are buying



PGS Operational Manual

Open Food Network


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