Why capture farmer data?

Why capture farmer data?

  • Market prices of another market

  • Yield related e.g. Seeking solution for disease

  • Land holding

  • input demand

  • cultivation practices

  • production information

  • credit need

  • get insurance on crop loss

  • Matching the data requirement of stakeholders and data available by farmers

  • weather forecast

  • Information about the buyers around

  • nimbble organics

  • potential threats and remedies could be shared based on previous data

  • Benefits that Jeevika can provide:

    • training and capacity building [main focus area]

      • Seed selection to Harvesting

      • JSLPS is focused on NPM practices

      • JSLPS is into market linkeage

    • credit linkage - connect SHG to banks

    • Initial funding from corpus

    • Connect SHGs to insurance agencies

  • Benefits that Banks can provide:


Data Consumers


Data Requirement

Data Consumers


Data Requirement


Training and Capacity building from seed selection to harvesting

Farmer Profile + Crop Details + Crop Stage


Connect with insurance agencies

Land holding +










Input Shops



Buyers-Priavte, APMC, Institutional






Banks/ Cooperatives






Insurance Agencies



Weather Agencies

Weather information


Soil Testing Agencies



User stories:

As a

I am happy to

such that

As a

I am happy to

such that

Farmer who is connected with multiple sales channels

tell about the crops I grow

I can get daily market prices


share my location

weather information


share my location and crop details

to know peer farmers doing the same crop


share my equipment requirement

  • to get the availability info of machine ?

  • video on using the machine ?


tell that I am following SRI

you can provide help me locally access weeder machine along with its price and how to use


tell you that I need weeder

you can arrange it for me or tell me local sources of weeder

farmer who is at sowing stage

to tell you the variety of seed I have used

so that you can tell me the expected quality of the yield


tell you the symptoms crop is showing and share image of the crop

you can tell me the disease name and the spray to be applied on the crops


tell you the crops I am considering to grow

I can get forcasted prices of that crops

MRV Mission statement: Increase income for the farmers through the adoption of climate-smart practices


  • To identify their current practices

  • Identify the crops we want to work in

  • Build a repo of actual climate-smart practices for each crop

  • mobile app to collect farmer data and provide information services back to them against the collected data




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