Form 2 Paddy -Data points
Form 2 Paddy
1.Name of the farmer.
2. Mobile Number.
3. Second dose of fertilizer - NPK
·    Date of application.
·    Urea
·    DAP
·    12:12:12
·    20:20:0:13
4. Date of application of micronutrients
·    Zinc
·    Boron
·    Iron
5. Irrigation
·    Bore well
·    Canal
·    Both
5 a. Method of irrigation
·    Alternate wetting and drying
·    Continuous flooding
·    Mid-season drainage
6. Details only for Borewell
·    Pump capacity in HPs
·    Pipe Size in Inches
·    Time taken to irrigate 1 katta
7. Details of spray used.
·    Date of application.
·    Name of the chemical.
·    Quantity used in Gms/ in ML
8. Details of  Jaivik Khad used.
·    Date of application
·    Jeevamruta- In Litres
·    Ghanajeevamruta- in KGs
9. Any special note