Engineering Retro 2021-22

Engineering Retro 2021-22




Apr 26, 2022




@Razak K M @Gautam Mandewalker @Waseem @chandrashekar M S @Mahesh Kumar Pradhan (Unlicensed) @rikin (Unlicensed)

Table below shows the themes (for six months) and associated epics (work streams) with what we were able to achieve:

Themes (6 months)


What we were able/ unable to do?

Onboard user(s) outside DAAS or similar partners

  • Continuous feedback and advocacy of FarmStack

  • FS Steward setup - registration for participants

  • Data discovery tool with 3rd party data

  • FS deployment outside for real life use case

  • Packaged connector (plug and play) with installer

  • UI based configurable connector

  • Exemplary pre-configured (templatized) connectors

  • Test bed for users to configure and connect

  1. Did good amount of presentations and interactions with prospective customers

  2. Set up example (basic) data discovery and FS steward

  3. FAO deployment/ Eden farm

  4. Packaged connector mockup not existing

  5. Few example pre-configured connectors

  6. No testbed as planned in the first six months

Develop single player mode features of FS

  • Discovery tool integration in FS Steward

  • Re-design the user management of steward

  • Test bed with video library released in public domain

  • pre-configured connectors for FarmOS + UC Davis

  • FS participant UI version 1 with dockerhub

  • Consent manager UI design

  • Consent manager app for TARA/ E-mircha

  • consent manager integrated with KDE

  • Time based usage control policy class

  1. Achieved everything except Participant version 1 but took longer than expected effort in:

    1. FarmOS + UC Davis connector

    2. Didn’t make many templatised connectors as originally planned

  2. Participant didn’t get released - delay by two months

 Retrospective - collaborative

@Razak K M I had given a top level engineering retro in the other project retro but it will be good if we can have this exercise with everyone involved (including new team members)

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing







 Action items

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