UI Testing Results

UI Testing Results

Module Name




Module Name





Login Screen



  1. Underline under Login

  2. G size is different

  3. alignment is not proper

  4. Length between header section and SIGN UP is short


Sign Up Screen



  1. Underline under SIGN UP

  2. G size is different

  3. alignment is not proper

  4. Length between header section and SIGN UP is short


Sign Up Step 1 Screen



  1. alignment is not proper

  2. Back arrow button is not aligned properly

  3. Tick image is not aligned properly

  4. STEP 1 text size is different

  5. STEP 2 text size is different

  6. STEP 3 text size is different

  7. Username has got space in middle

  8. The Text “JUST few details before you start offering FarmStack to the world“ is not aligned properly

  9. Size of image is high

  10. Size of the image is high

  11. Size of the Image is high


Sign Up Step 2 Screen



Sign UP Step 2

  1. alignment is not proper

  2. Back arrow button is not aligned properly

  3. Tick image is not aligned properly

  4. alignment is not proper

  5. No need of Information icon in RESEND place

Sign Up Step 2 B

  1. Alignment is not proper



Sign Up Step 3 Screen



  1. Back arrow button is not aligned properly

  2. Tick image is not aligned properly

  3. Create Password - Ignore please

  4. The Text “JUST few details before you start offering FarmStack to the world“ is not aligned properly

  5. Enter Password should replace Instead of Password

  6. It should be in grey colour initially, instead of red colour

  7. colour is not in grey

  8. Confirm Password has got space

  9. It should be in grey colour initially, instead of red colour

  10. Please Ignore

  11. Detecting password strength should not be in read colour, Grey colour preferred Initially





Home Page

  1. Pop up box size need to reduce

  2. Skip colour should replace

Home Page 2

  1. Back arrow Icon is different

  2. UPLOAD is not highlighted

  3. Not aligned properly

  4. Not aligned properly

Home Page 3

  1. Button is not proper

  2. Cancel button is not heighted


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