Test Scenario on Short and guided sign up

Test Scenario on Short and guided sign up


User Story


Test Scenarios


User Story


Test Scenarios


Short and guided sign up

Beza is a senior official in Ministry of Ag in Ethiopia and wants to sign up in quick efficient way


Happy Flow

Beza Click on SIGNUP
Beza entered Valid First Name, Valid Last Name, Valid Email Address, Valid User Name, Valid Phone Number and click NEXT STEP
Beza entered OTP and Click on NEXT STEP
Beza entered Valid password and Same password entered in confirm password filed, Click on Next Step

Step 1

Recommendations from QA

First Name field should be mandatory field with red *. If we agree to have this as mandatory, we should have the following checks:

a. Without entering First Name in FIRST NAME filed and Beza try to click on NEXT STEP button, NEXT STEP button should be in read only

b. Without entering First Name and Beza try to click on NEXT STEP button, FIRST NAME field (the box) should heightened with red colour indicating Beza to enter FIRST NAME

c. Beza didn't enter FIRST NAME and click on NEXT STEP button , application should throw validation message saying “Enter First Name”

d. Beza enter invalid First Name (includes special character's and Numeric) and click on NEXT STEP button, application should throw Error message saying “Enter Valid Last Name”

Last Name field should be optional and not mandatory. That is no red *, but if we decide to have ti mandatory, we should have the following tests:

a. LAST NAME should not include special Characters and Numeric

b. Beza enter invalid Last Name (includes special character's and Numeric) and click on NEXT STEP button, application should throw Error message saying “Enter Valid Last Name”

c. Without entering LAST NAME in LAST NAME field and Beza try to click on NEXT STEP button, NEXT STEP button should be in read only

d. Without entering LAST NAME and Beza try to click on NEXT STEP button, LAST NAME field (the box) should heightened with red colour indicating to enter LAST NAME

e. Beza didn't enter LAST NAME and click on NEXT STEP button , application should throw validation message saying “Enter LAST Name”

When entering phone/ mobile number, there should be a dropdown list to select country with flag and code which needs to be selected - mandatory

a. Beza didn't select country with flag and country code in drop down list , application should throw validation message saying “ Select Country code”

b. Beza select wrong country flag, country code in drop down list and entered valid phone/mobile numbers. Application should throw error message saying “Select valid Country Code “

c. Beza select correct country flag, country code in drop down list and entered invalid phone/mobile numbers. Application should throw error message saying “Enter valid Phone/Mobile number“

d. Beza select wrong correct country flag, country code in drop down list and entered invalid phone/mobile numbers. Application should throw error message saying “Select valid Country Code “ and “Enter valid Phone/Mobile number“

Error messages

Beza should enter valid email address with proper Domain name example (Beza@hotmail.com)

a. Beza enters Invalid Email, application should throw Error message in red colour saying “Enter Valid Email Address” next to You’ll receive an OTP on your email

USERNAME should not include special character's in USERNAME field (can have numeric)

a. Beza enters invalid username $Beza or beza$ and it should show an error below the field

a. Beza as a username is already taken, the system should show the message that username doesn’t exist and suggest two different available usernames, for example, Beza01 and Beza02 are available

Validation messages

Open questions :

Step 2

Recommendations from QA

Validation messages

Error messages

Open questions:

Step 3

a. If password is less than 8 characters application should display validation message saying “Password should contains at least 8 character's which includes Alphabets, 1 Numeric, 1 special Character“ in Enter Password field


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