What has worked For farmer the input cost was lower and higher returns on Paddy production. Seeds were made available at 30% lower price. Produce was procured at Rs. 1 higher than market price. They got introduced to a transparent system. Famers got training on new crops and live stock options.
😞 What has not worked FPCs cannot offer credit for purchase of seeds. FPCs cannot offer immediate cash for purchase of produce. Husbands don’t approve selling to FPCs because of #2.
| What has worked We were able to achieve business of Rs. 2 Crs. We have sold produce from the farmers and we got into other product sales too. Now we have more choice of service providers. There is a competition between them We have received rewards also from service providers in return of using their products.
😞 What has not worked We cannot offer credit to farmers. Grants take very long time. We have not received clear business plans. We need more training on Compliances and governance. All share holders are not active. Majority are dormant. Either we need to make them active or we need more share holders. They keep asking about what happened to the money they gave, but do not participate in FPC activities. There has to be PG level changes in promoting FPC activities. During side talks: The board members stated that there are many product which they have to see which doesn't make sense. Also, they are not produce of our farmers. We have to do it to maintain relationship with JSLPS.
| What kind of service providers you deal with? Seed companies Syngenta, Bayer Poultry vendors APMC Banks Amazon