Vanopaj FPC, Daru Block, Hazirbagh

Vanopaj FPC, Daru Block, Hazirbagh





  • Mr. Subham, acting CEO deployed by JSLPS

FPC and non-FPC members:

  • Board members

  • AKMs (Aajivika Krishak Mitra)

  • VRPs (Video resource persons)

Digital Green:

  • Dr. Ritesh Kumar @ashok (Unlicensed) @Gautam Mandewalker @Rubesh @chandrashekar M S @Waseem @Ramaskanda R S @vignesh (Unlicensed)

Share holders / Share capital / Turn over

1250, Rs. 300 and 2 Crs. All women

After the initial introduction, we were briefly introduced to the operating structure followed before and how it is being transformed to FPC.

Structure based on the flow of Finance:

SHG → Village Organisation → Cluster level federation → Block level federation

New Structure

SHG → Producer Groups → Rural Service center → FPC

The PG Groups are formed based on the following category of activities:

  1. Agricultural

  2. Medicinal and aromatic

  3. Non-farming

  4. Live stock

  5. NTFP - Non timber forest produces.

For interacting with farmers at PG level and SHG level there are different types of resource persons like:

AKS/AKM, AVM, VM, MBK, APS, Setu didi, VRP, AW, Bank Sakhi etc.

All resource persons have predefined tasks and task completion is reported via application and salary is processed by JSLPS/MKSP.

DG works mainly with AKMs and VRPs.

Interview with FPC board members and other share holders

Lets list of all the strengths of your FPC

Lets list out all the top activities done by FPC

Lets list of all the strengths of your FPC

Lets list out all the top activities done by FPC

  1. Cadres - We have enough field level workers to drive something.

  2. Office facility/ Infrastructure - We have free office and work place which make collaborating easy for us.

  3. Education - Board members are fairly educated and few are graduates

  4. Good business sense - Fair understanding about which business can work which may not.

  5. Courage

  6. Linkages - Good linkages to credits

  7. Records management - Use of digital, paper based stock management and accounting in Tally.

  8. Block staff is very supportive

  9. Trainings are easily available

  10. Both agricultural and Forest land is available

  1. Agriculture
    - Paddy (Primary) → We deal with inputs and seeds
    - Mustard
    - Potato

  2. Medicinal
    - Lemon grass
    - Turmeric

  3. Live stock
    - Poultry chicks sales to breeders with Rs. 1 margin
    - Goat rearing


Lets list out 3 main actors: Farmers, FPC and service providers. And see what has worked for everyone and what did not.



Service Providers



Service Providers

What has worked

  1. For farmer the input cost was lower and higher returns on Paddy production.

  2. Seeds were made available at 30% lower price.

  3. Produce was procured at Rs. 1 higher than market price.

  4. They got introduced to a transparent system.

  5. Famers got training on new crops and live stock options.

What has not worked

  1. FPCs cannot offer credit for purchase of seeds.

  2. FPCs cannot offer immediate cash for purchase of produce.

  3. Husbands don’t approve selling to FPCs because of #2.

What has worked

  1. We were able to achieve business of Rs. 2 Crs.

  2. We have sold produce from the farmers and we got into other product sales too.

  3. Now we have more choice of service providers. There is a competition between them

  4. We have received rewards also from service providers in return of using their products.

What has not worked

  1. We cannot offer credit to farmers.

  2. Grants take very long time.

  3. We have not received clear business plans.

  4. We need more training on Compliances and governance.

  5. All share holders are not active. Majority are dormant.

  6. Either we need to make them active or we need more share holders.

  7. They keep asking about what happened to the money they gave, but do not participate in FPC activities.

  8. There has to be PG level changes in promoting FPC activities.

  9. During side talks: The board members stated that there are many product which they have to see which doesn't make sense. Also, they are not produce of our farmers. We have to do it to maintain relationship with JSLPS.


What kind of service providers you deal with?

  1. Seed companies

  2. Syngenta, Bayer

  3. Poultry vendors

  4. APMC

  5. Banks

  6. Amazon



######END OF DOCUMENT######


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