KDE Phases

KDE Phases

Identification phase –

·       Research on geographies/ Resource agencies.

·       Collect primary/ Secondary data on FPOs.

Discussion and Pre-onboarding phase-

·       Pitch KDE to the resource agency. (Use the pitch deck)

·       Get details from FPOs (Link to the excel sheet) in English and Local language

·       Update all the required data on the admin interface. (Geographies, Crops, FPOs, PGs, FPO and KDE users)

·       Create credentials for FPO dashboard users and KDE app users (CEO, VRPs, CRPs)

 Training phase-

Pre -Training

·       Provide play store links to the users in advance.

·       Ask the users to download KDE  app from the play store.

·       Provide credentials to the users to install the app (alternatively you can do this on the day of training as well).


·       Schedule google/ Zoom meeting/ Physical meeting

·       Introduction

·       Context setting

·       Demonstrate data entry

·       Ask participants to enter two farmer’s data.

·       Edit the data of one farmer.

·       Confirm from the users whether they have any questions.

·       Collect feedback/ Suggestions from the participants

·       Collect feedback/ Suggestions from the partners


·       Monitor data entered by the PG app user on the dashboard

Active phase -

·       All the trained CRPs enter data of identified crop/s.

·       CRPs collect input demand from the farmers.

Transaction phase /Development stage-

·       FPOs connect to the buyers -based on the product inventory

·       FPOs supply inputs to the farmers.

Thriving stage-

 ·       FPOs access credit

·       FPOs have access to Logistics (Storage, Cold storages, Transportation, processing)

·       Increase farmers income

·       FPOs pay for the KDE services.