MOM - 25-06-2021

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Digital Green || MOM @25-06-2021 

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Had a demo between DG & Thrymr team.

Deployed the latest build in CI server with below changes

  • Login & Signup with Google is done.

  • Super Admin Screens and functionality is deployed.

  • Unique link generation by super admin is done.

  • API’s for all the FS Central API are put in swagger and added the description.

  • New screens for Forgot password is designed & deployed.

  • Code is pushed in DG provided git repository.

  • Added Timer in OTP screen - 120 seconds & tool tip which says “OTP will expire in 120 second”

Next release plan:

  • Known issues / Enhancement :

+ When clicked on unique link, It should redirect to Sigup screen working fine but need to pre-populate the Email id and it should be non editable.

+ In Forgot password - Error message from step 1 is carried to step 2& 3

Ex : When entered wrong email it says "Invalid Email" but after entering the correct email and going to step 2, the error message still shows.

+ Logout - Working fine (But once logged out and clicked on back arrow in browser it is taking to dashboard) - Session should be expired.

+ When entered invalid OTP it is taking to step 3 but showing error message after entering the password (Same for Signup up flow)

+ From Step 2 & 3 after clicking on back icon, The page should get refreshed and data should get cleared (Same for Signup flow)

+ Super Admin - After clicking on link which was received in mail, Under Invited member the status is not showing as clicked.

+ Need to implement timer in Signup OTP

+ UI Fine tuning

+ When sending the invitation with already registered email (Unique link), showing on screen as success message but in backend it shows an error message - Frontend issue.

+ OTP has to be expired in 120 seconds (Need to write a cron Job)

  • Role Management

+ Sending the invite to Team Member & Guest user.

+ Clicking on Invitation link should redirect to Signup screen with email as pre-populate and should be non editable.

+ Bases on the role assigned should have an access to screens.

(Central Admin Will have access to all the screens with Edit option & can create Team Member & Guest User, Central Team Member will have access to all the screens with Edit option & can create only Guest User, Guest user will have access to all the screen just to View)

  • Showing the user details in User Profile Screen.

  • In General Setting --->Organisation screen, Should be able to upload the logo & documents.

  • Need to implement new fields in Organisation Screen.
    (Email , Phone number & Organisation Name)

@chandrashekar M S Please add if i have missed any points, Thanks.