Release Notes 2

Release Notes 2

  1. Introduction

Farm Stack is a reference implementation of an open and interoperable data sharing protocol in agriculture sector. Farm Stack enables network of data providers and consumers through a suite of products and functionalities:

  1. Share data directly without any third party through trusted

peer to peer (p2p) connector

  1. Empower the data provider to restrict usage of data through usage policies

  2. Give control of data back to the farmers by managing consent using data wallet

  3. Enable entities to create plugins to make their data discoverable (description of data)

 Farms Stack is the sum total of all the peer to peer connectors and associated usage policies.

About This Release

Following are functionalities of the application which we have in release2:

  1. Role management-In Role Management we have 3 roles mentioned below:

  2. Central Admin: Central Admin can create organization, documents upload, upload the logo and can add team member.

  3. Team Member: Team member can only view the organization details and can download the documents and can upload user profile picture.

  4. Guest User: Guest user can only view the details and cannot make any changes to it.

  5. Sending the invite to Team Member & Guest user.

6 .Clicking on Invitation link should redirect to Signup screen with email as pre-populate and should be non-editable.

7. Showing the user details in User Profile Screen.

8. In General Setting --->Organization screen, should be able to upload the logo & documents.


3 Third Party Integration

  Following are the products we have integrated it with:

  1. Send Grid- OTP/ Invitation

  2. Google API

 And we have tested the application on incognito Mode.


4. New Features

The following are new features appears in this release:


  1. Role management permissions

  2. Upload logo n picture functionality

  3. Delete functionality

  4. Brand Color

  5. Remember Me Implement

  6. Reset Password in User screen

  7. Upload Documents

5      Known Issues/Enhancement

  1. Country code has to be integrated

  2. Brand color should be saved only after click on Save

  3. Under Team - Need to show blank for User Image.

  4. Under Teams - Need to show Invitation Send & Invitation accepted (some color difference) -

  5. Need to send the DB schema.

  6. Need to push the code to their repository.

  7. Start the backend for FS Participant.

  8. Fine tuning for FS Participant.


6      Fixed Bug & Errors


General settings-screens: We should not get the Tour Pop up ever time whenever we refresh the General setting pages.



  1. Not able to download the documents (Warranties, Limitation of Liabilities & Your Content)

  2. Whenever u edit, the button should always show as Update but it first shows as save and then goes back to Update,

3)Theme Color: It has to be saved in the DB, currently it is showing but when cleared the cache and logged in again it is coming back to original.

4)Guest User should not able to download the documents from Org screen



  1. When Team Member is invited and clicked on the link, the email ID should be pre-       populated in Signup Screen.

  2. Team member should not have an option to Edit / Delete the other users

7.    Fixed UI Issues

Login Screen:

  1. Underline under Login is set properly

  2. G size is different

  3. alignment is not proper

  4. Length between header section and SIGN UP is short

Sign Up Screen:


  1. Underline under SIGN UP

  2. G size is different

  3. alignment is not proper

  4. Length between header section and SIGN UP is short


Sign Up Step 1 Screen:

  1. alignment is not proper

10) Back arrow button is not aligned properly

11) Tick image is not aligned properly

12) STEP 1 text size is different

13) STEP 2 text size is different

14) STEP 3 text size is different

15) Username has got space in middle

16) The Text “JUST few details before you start offering Farm Stack to the world “is not aligned properly

17) Size of image is high

18) Size of the image is high

19) Size of the Image is high


Sign Up Step 2 Screen:

20) alignment is not proper

21) Back arrow button is not aligned properly

22) Tick image is not aligned properly

23) alignment is not proper

24) No need of Information icon in RESEND place

Sign Up Step 2 B

25) Alignment is not proper


Sign Up Step 3 Screen:

26) Back arrow button is not aligned properly

27) Tick image is not aligned properly

28) Create Password - Ignore please

29) The Text “JUST few details before you start offering Farm Stack to the world“ is not aligned properly

30) Enter Password should replace Instead of Password

31) It should be in grey color initially, instead of red color

32) color is not in grey

33) Confirm Password has got space

34) It should be in grey color initially, instead of red color

35) Please Ignore

36) Detecting password strength should not be in read color, Grey color preferred Initially



37) Pop up box size need to reduce

38) Skip colour should replace

39) Home Page 2

40) Back arrow Icon is different

41) UPLOAD is not highlighted

42) Not aligned properly

43) Not aligned properly

44) Home Page 3

45) Button is not proper

46) Cancel button is not heighted

Pending Issues / Incomplete work

Country code has to be integrated - 

2) Brand color should be saved only after click on Save - 

3) Under Team - Need to show blank for User Image. 

4) Under Teams - Need to show Invitation Send & Invitation accepted (some color difference)

5) Need to send the DB schema

6) Need to push the code to their repository

7) Start the backend for FS Participant

8. Fine tuning for FS Participant -

 9.while uploading picture there should be crop functionality -Monika 

10) After selecting Brand color and clicking on update then only the color should change-