This page has details of all the contacts of the consultants/ agencies who are willing to help Cashew based FPOs to connect to the markets.
ToR -Deliverables -
Kisan sathi- PoC- Mr Prem Rathod , CEO Kisan sathi 9620963764
Amandeep Panwar. Founder and CEO , Bharatrohan 9650588865
Srinivas , 97018 40679 ,
Thanks. By way of introduction my name is Srinivas. I am a Cleanenergytech Social Entrepreneur ... Based out of Odisha and Vijaywada in AP .
I have worked across many agri value chains across India , collaborated with IIT Bombay, GIZ Germany, ICCO BV, Netherlands to name a few to assess and build appropriate value chain interventions, along with forward and backward linkage strategy. By a collaborative association with on field / NGO partners
Some ongoing /executed projects, that include one in a Public-Private Partnership mode are Apple value chain in Himachal, Potato Value Chain in Maharashtra, Horticulture Value Chain in Bihar, Banana Value Chain in Bengal.
I run an energy services collaborative and a clean cold chain initiative. Have worked with GE in India,US and Europe in their Energy Services business. And later with Tata Power Solar in India. In their utility-scale & off-grid solar energy business
Currently working on a mission on powering livelihoods at the intersection of agriculture, energy, and sustainability.
( Deliverables-Discussed)
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