Proposed agenda from Jessica
Short intros (as needed)
Any strategic context developments (Digital Green)
Project updates & discussion (Digital Green)
Sequoia update (Sequoia)
Reporting Overview/Next Steps
Slides (pending) Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)
Open questions
What is the status of our FCRA renewal? (Krishnan Pallassana (Unlicensed))
When does our current MOU with JEEViKA expire and whats the status of renewing it to cover the full project? Akash Asthana (Unlicensed)
Have we done a mapping of the ecosystem of actors working on CSA in Bihar and more broadly? Have we started outreach to these groups to find ways for collaboration? This relates to the idea of doing a meeting similar to Odisha climate bootcamp Akash Asthana (Unlicensed)
Status of post-doc hire to support model inter-comparison (if you can share CV and expected start date, that would be awesome). Andrew McDonald (Unlicensed)
Status of on-boarding to Convergence Platform and timing for kharif coordination meeting. What does success look like for our project at this meeting? Falguni Ganguli (Unlicensed)