refine bullet point email outline from confluence to actual email structure
work on headline also!
update on video demo - outline and potential timing
revisit "headline" for this email, what catches the eye / gets people to open it
agree on cta in this email -- what do we want them to do
Anything beyond the email – social media, blog, etc?
29th july end of Sprint 3 - “logical set of end to end flow by 14th Aug”
This means: connector config from UI itself, catalog creation, participant mgmt, team mgmt
Makes more sense to wait until the 14th Aug release to blast out w/ connector part, etc
Wait until the V1.2 release for blast
Per the decision, editing the email outline above..
Gautam working with Oorna to make product video, share script with us before
This will focus on the product itself! (great)
Eric - 2 videos, no more than 3
Only click one link - it’s the high level teaser
Feature sets and how-to’s
We will have some live demo available to internal in DG
Hiring a org wide product mkting manager at some point
Email includes teaser video with link to website at the end, other CTA is “to learn more click here” and go to the website with the longer “how to” video on the front page?
Eric to look into the voiceover req’s, the email list, etc – male/female, accent, etc (speechelo vs actual human, vs Eric building a studio in his garage, etc)
Gautam will share video script / story for the intro vid
After the script Eric will build the email out in google doc based on the draft above
Terminology still open - Monday will be ready
Eric to send fonts colors etc by Monday
Chandra to send a script to Andrew on participant etc
Andrew to draft outline story board for FS demo and share around
Eric to write up the email draft
Andrew to request additional contacts from Kunal and Krish for India and add to the FS mailing list
Bigger picture on marketing strategy - what are our goals, who are our targets, what’s the business plan >>> bigger q’s than marketing
Gautam is working on internal “how to” videos
Gautam will share the release notes today explaining what will be deployed
Also with Oorna working on external marketing feature teasers
60-90 sec overview of new features
wait for these videos to release the email blast
Gautam to send a vague story and then it will be refined
Plan B: if the little videos aren’t ready by the 31st then we will do a simple overview of the UI and embed it (a la Vineet’s latest loom)
Ready for demos etc now, deployment from 1st week of Sept onwards (5, 6th september)
need to polish certain screens etc
Saagu Baagu use case w/ MOH Telengana steward is great opp for case study w/ external materials
Tell the story from the perspective of the steward, ie targeting selling the product to other potential stewards
MOH wants to help chilli farmers succeed
Private party players services leverage farmer data
Incentives for all players explained and how the FS features connect this all
How to visualize this use case?
SMS Whatsapp based advisory
Soil testing data in KDE
Kalgudi to provide inputs also
show that the value prop is not data exchange, it’s the value created for the farmer
Next release - looking ahead:
Gautam to get sign off from Vineet on the release 1.2 plan then will come back with those features
From the demand side - what partners should we build some proactive marketing efforts around?
Perhaps Bihar and Odisha gov’ts?
Positioning relative to IUDX - not just ag focused, “public library” model