Overall lead / Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) / Define product vision, budget owner, overall coordination
Business Development / Kunal Tiwari (Unlicensed) / Coordinate w program teams on farmer group outreach; partner outreach
Project Coordination / [-----] / Scheduling, meeting minutes, etc.
User Research: In the near-term, rely on project teams to drive this; Ashu and Kunal to lean in on learning questions and maybe we can get support from Tetyana and MEL team. Need to a consultant or hire for this role medium-term.
Design / Prototyping: In Lokesh’s absence, need to fill this role. Hire vs. consultant?
Tech Architecture incl web3 intersection / Vineet Singh / see “Learning questions”
Legal / ???? / see “Learning questions”
Internal workshops
more time on next steps
FPO workshops
State leads lead on workshop logistics
India vs. Ethiopia vs. Kenya
I agree - Also, flying formation not just for India but also for Ethiopia and Kenya.. For Ethiopia Kebede has suggested Beza (and until she comes back Hawi) and in Kenya Henry.. While Andrew and I can support re coordination
Open / Learning questions