Overall lead / Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed) / Define product vision, budget owner, overall coordination
Business Development / Kunal Tiwari (Unlicensed) / Coordinate w program teams on farmer group outreach; partner outreach
Project Coordination / [-----] / Scheduling, meeting minutes, etc.
User Research: In the near-term, rely on project teams to drive this; Ashu and Kunal to lean in on learning questions and maybe we can get support from Tetyana and MEL team. Need to a consultant or hire for this role medium-term.
Design / Prototyping: In Lokesh’s absence, need to hire for this role fill this role. Hire vs. consultant?
Tech Architecture incl web3 intersection / Vineet Singh / see “Learning questions”
Legal / ???? / see “Learning questions”
Open / Learning questions
Things we want to understand better in the coming weeks:
What drives farmers to join farmer groups?
How can farmer groups make the proposition compelling for their members?
How does farmer / farmer group data ownership relate to Agristack and government perspective on data privacy and protection more generally?
How are web3 concepts / technologies an enabler for DFN? When is the right time to layer them in?
Tokens as an incentive and orchestration mechanism
What is the legal structure that enshrines farmer control in terms of governance and ownership (DAO vs. Trust vs. Cooperative)
Blockchain for data storage infrastructure?
Usability (private keys, etc.)