Objectives: Align on what we want to accomplish through end of March 2022 (6 months into the project) and who is doing what.
Workstream | What is success (March 2022) | Who is doing what? |
Content identification and dissemination | Rabi 21/22: Content for 5 rabi practices incl a generic “Why CSA” reaches and targeted N fertilizer recommendation reach ~88k farmers of which ~20% adopt at least one practice. See here for full list of rabi practices Instrumentation in place to track reach and adoption within JEEViKA system
Kharif 22: Practices for kharif 2022 identified and aligned with broader Convergence Platform Start thinking about how to track reach / adoption in advisory networks other than JEEViKA Value chain partners on-board that can respond to some of the access issues (eg, DeHaat) Aligned with JEEViKA on districts and practices; in position to reach +120k farmers
| CIMMYT and CSISA validate and provide technical guidance on practices (eg, N fertilizer optimization rates, why CSA / climate sensitization training for VRPs and farmers) DG to develop scripts and work with local video production resources to produce or adapt existing content DG works with JEEViKA to train VRPs and disseminate via VBE and alternative channels (eg, Whatsapp groups) EDF to make intros to value chain partners for necessary inputs/equipment if we want to empower farmers to address access barriers (and go beyond awareness)
Credible and cost effective data collection at-scale | Rabi 21/22 Some basic automated data validation and checks in place Methodology for data capture and farmer sampling is documented and seen as credible basis for establishing a baseline of current practices and yield scale emissions at a block or district level
Kharif 22 | EDF to support development / refinement of data collection methodology; look to a standard that is sufficiently robust for carbon markets DG to work with JEEViKA to train VRPs, design and deploy forms, make VRP payments, etc. CIMMYT to share learnings from LDS and review data collection methodology
GHG emission estimates; model inter-comparison and calibration | Initial GHG estimates from CFT and DNDC based on kharif 2021 data ready received and visualized Initial feedback from inter-comparison shared with model developers; start of a dialogue that moves us towards more accurate models [tbc] Leverage Figure out how we can best leverage EDF data for model calibration
Rabi 21/22: Kharif 22: | DG team to work with model developers to get initial GHG estimates CIMMYT to drive inter-comparison with a deep-dive on understanding how the models deal w soil hydrology and other important local contexts EDF to support CIMMYT in inter-comparison work
Farmer data wallet; design and value prop | | |
Comms, advocacy, knowledge sharing | Bihar ecosystem mapping complete and engaged with at least 3 partners on potential collaborations Mapping of relevant stakeholders in potential “next-up” states and some initial outreach Hold learning workshop with JEEViKA team to build momentum for scaling the program to additional districts Prepare memo for first Sequoia Strategic Review call (submit 10 days prior to April 1)
| EDF and CIMMYT to make intros to relevant stakeholders in Bihar and other states EDF to advise on positioning with key stakeholders, esp policymakers and those involved in State Climate Action Plans EDF and CIMMYT to review and provide input on Sequoia memo (prepared by DG)