

How to setup and run a test connector

Fork the github repository available here and follow the folowing steps:

To run connectors on single machine

  1. To run provider node
    change directory to IDSA-FS-DEMO/configs run $docker-compose -f docker-compose-provider.yaml up

  2. To run the consumer node
    Change directory to IDSA-FS-DEMO/configs run $docker-compose -f docker-compose-consumer.yaml up

To run connectors separately on provider and consumer

Add following lines in the respective files

a. In the directory Configs/ add in the file docker-compose-provider.yaml following line in the provider-core docker service

extra_hosts: - "consumer-core:your-consumer-machine-ip"

b. In the directory Configs/ add in the file docker-compose-consumer.yaml following line in the consumer-core docker service

extra_hosts: - "provider-core:your-provider-machine-ip"

To test usage control(UC)

The current UC integration is provisioned to facilitate no-tampering in the running data-application consumer container using the digest(docker image’s id) which contains SHA256 hash, In case there is any change in the running data-application consumer container the image hash won’t match and the transfer would get rejected.

Steps to prepare for UC integration :


> The file was built as follows: $ docker build ./example-server -t demo-app -q $ docker save demo-app > demo-app.tar > Import the docker image as follows: $ docker load -i demo-app.tar > To get SHA256 Hash $ docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' $IMAGE $ docker tag <image hash> demo-app


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