Sarwal Producer Group - Numkum Block

Sarwal Producer Group - Numkum Block





  • JSLPS Staff

  • AKMs (Aajivika Krishak Mitra)

  • VRPs (Video resource persons)

  • All women group

Digital Green:

  • Dr. Ritesh Kumar, Adity Kumari, @Gautam Mandewalker @Rubesh @chandrashekar M S @Waseem @Ramaskanda R S @vignesh (Unlicensed)

General Q/A with the PG office bearers, AKM


A total of 62 members have joined the PG Group by paying Rs. 300.

But there are a total of 216 members in the 18 SHGs in this

The number of members joining the PG Group is very low. What is the issue?

  • Many cannot afford Rs. 300

  • They don’t know about our activities

  • They don’t know about the benefits and befits of joining the FPC

  • Once they know clear incentives, and once PG performance is visible they may change their mind.


PGs are audited by clusters

  • Bank details

  • P/L

  • Only active members who participate know about the audits.

Business activity

  1. Tamarind trading

  2. Rice seeds

What has worked?

  1. Group-level trading was enabled

  2. Some employment was created

  3. We keep Rs. 2 or dynamic margins on seeds that we make available to farmers. We get it from the blocks.

  4. We were able to input demand aggregation.

What has not worked

  1. All farmers don’t participate

  2. They need credit, which we cannot offer.

  3. Its cumbersome to maintain PG level registers

  4. We are not well trained to do this activity, we need more training.

  5. There are total 14 registers.

  6. We have not been paid for more than an year now. Our payment is Rs. 2000/ Month.

Video dissemination

We witnessed DG’s flagship video dissemination product and watched few videos.


Open questions:

  1. How and when do VRPs retarget farmers with same videos?

  2. Is one dissemination enough to change behavior?

  3. When asked every house hold had smart phones? Can we try some thing targeted and customized? Just listing on YouTube may not help us to study user behavior in detail.

  4. The current workflow is very lengthy. Can it be optimised/shortened ?






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