Theory of Change: Nursery Use-casse

Theory of Change: Nursery Use-casse

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to Ashu, Tetyana, Rikin and Ronali for the feedback and suggestions on the theory of change. I have tried to incorporate them in the attached version and have also tried to make it a common TOC for all use cases.  

I have also tried to highlight facilitation roles of DG and partners using different colors. I think FPOs’ roles will be in most of the activities hence have not mentioned FPOs role separately.

Some further changes can be done based on specific use cases but please suggest if this broad impact pathway will be applicable to  all DFN use-cases?

I will be happy to incorporate your feedback and suggestions.

 Let’s identify the baseline datapoints that we need to start collecting for Odisha nursery use-case.

Thanks, and regards,







Based on our discussions and the Logframe I have tried to make a Theory of change diagram. After knowing exact activities and the implementation process we can modify it accordingly. Please provide your suggestions to refine it.



Hi Everyone,

On the Nursery use case data points I had a discussion with Ashok, Gautam, Amrita and Chandan and based on our discussion I have revised and separated the data points,  in this revised sheet, to be collected from FPO and farmers at different time points.

Hope this will help better understand  these datapoints.

Please use this sheet for review and provide your feedback. Once we agree on the data points we can convert them in KOBO data collection form.




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